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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
January 31, 1861 Thoughts concerning secession in Jackson No improvement in Political matters on the contrary grow worse. Some 6 or 7 states have seceded but little hope is entertained for the safety of the Union. At convention of this State is too slow to take a position. The people of Tennessee... read more
January 26, 1861 Secession fever in Jackson Went to town to attend a convention called to appoint or nominate a delegate to attend the state convention called by the Legislature to meet at Nashville on 25th of February next. William H. Stephens was nominated unanimously, it was done without any p... read more
February 9, 1861 Election day in Jackson, the first vote on secession Today the election was held. . . to decide whether a convention should meet or not & members to the convention should meet or not & members to the convention. The people of this state are much divided, a part unwilling to live ... read more
February 11, 1861 Result of the vote in Jackson . . . NO CONVENTION!!!! ... read more
February 2, 1861 The politics of secession in Jackson Went to town before 12, heard Milton Brown and T. P. Spurlock speak. They are candidates in this senatorial district for the state convention. The course of Tennessee has been wanting nerve, wisdom, or anything to be admired. A firm course on ... read more
February 7, 1861 Secession Demonstration and Ball in Memphis The Secession Demonstration.
Multitudes, Excitement and Enthusiasm!
Brilliant Illumination!
The Ladies for Secession!
Designs, Mottos, etc., etc.
The Unionists assumed so much from their torchlight procession on Thursday night... read more
April 13, 1861 The politics of secession in Jackson Went to town before 12. There was a Union meeting to nominate. . . delegates to a convention in Nashville. . . They do not seem to comprehend the fact that the Union is dissolved & States already having seceded, Civil War hovering over us. Even ... read more
April 17, 1861 Talk of secession and war in Jackson (Wife and small boy ill.) Went to town after some medicine, a good deal of
excitement there a large crowd were at the Court house. Speaking going on.
War is inevitabel. Lincoln understand has notified the governor[s] of the States
to have ... read more
April 20, 1861 Meeting in Jackson There was a meeting called today of the people of this country to consider [the] present state of affairs. Great enthusiasm prevails, tremendous preparations are making for WAR. Virginia has seceded, making 8 states. The Gov. of Tennessee has called the legislatu... read more
April 28, 1861 "The performance of divine service is rare in jail." A plea to bring the Gospel to city jail prisoners
A Visit to Jail.
Many of our readers will remember that some two years ago the Appeal took the initiative in calling attention to the horrible state of our city jail. The port... read more

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