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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
April 14, 1863
April 17, 1863
The John Waggoner murder trial, an example of civil justice in Civil War Nashville •See January 2, 1863--Report on the murder of “Poor Waggoner.”
Criminal Court. ~ ~ ~
State vs. Beverly alias Bose Haley—Murder.
It will be remembered that the prisoner is accus... read more
April 1, 1863
April 16, 1863
Expedition from Jackson to the Hatchie River and skirmishes REPORTS.
No. 1.-Col. Michael K. Lawler, Eighteenth Illinois Infantry, commanding First Brigade, District of Jackson.
No. 2.-Lieut. Col. Daniel H. Brush, Eighteenth Illinois Infantry.
No. 1.
Report of... read more
April 17, 1863 "Lisa, there was one of the best jokes in Camp the other day you ever heard of." T. H. Boles', 44th Tennessee, in Wartrace to wife
April the 17, 1863
The State of Tenn, Bedford Co
Camp near War trase
I received your kind letter the 13th and was glad to hear that you ... read more
April 19, 1863 Skirmish at Trenton APRIL 19, 1863.-Skirmish at Trenton, Tenn.
Report of Col. John K. Mizner, Third Michigan Cavalry, Chief of Cavalry, District of Jackson.
JACKSON, TENN., April 21, 1863.
CAPT.: Capt. T. V. Quackenbush, with 23 men of the Third Michigan Cavalry, came upon a ... read more
April 21, 1863 "Read this to them and If I live to get home safe and sound they may dread me and my navy." Lieutenant A. J. Lacy's letter home to his parents in Jackson County Springhill Maury Co Tenn April the 21st 1863
My dear Father and Mother,
I am once more permitted to take my pin in ha... read more
April 2, 1863 Political re-education in Lexington, Henderson County "UNION MEETING IN TENNESSEE." Jackson, Tennessee, April 5, 1863
Editors Bulletin:
A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was had at Lexington, Henderson County, last Thursday [2nd]. The meeting was called by the citizens of t... read more
April 2, 1863
April 10, 1863
Federal Expeditionary forces on line from Bolivar to Covington, Tipton County, all territory west of Covington and Beaver Creek to the Mississippi River and back to Bolivar •See April 1, 1863-April 16, 1863-Expedition from Jackson to the Hatchie River and skirmishes ... read more
April 6, 1863 Report of Confederate Chief Engineer regarding bridge defenses in East Tennessee
Col. B. S. EWELL, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
COL.: You will please say to the general commanding, in reply to your communication of the... read more
April 7, 1863 Report on subversive civilian activities in West Tennessee HDQRS. FIRST DIVISION, SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, LaGrange, Tenn., April 7, 1863.
Lieut.-Col. BINMORE, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Memphis:
SIR: I have the honor to inclose to you copies of letters captured in Richardson's camp, showin... read more
ca. May 21, 1863
May 22, 1863
"Many have become disheartened and are almost ready to give over the struggle but I believe the Great Ruler of the Universe will yet give success to our army." John A. Matheny, in Jackson County, to his friend Lieutenant A. J. Lacy Tenn Jackson Cty May the ___ 1863... read more

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