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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
March 28, 1864 Federal orders to Major L. F. Booth to occupy and hold Fort Pillow from attack by Forrest HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tenn., March 28, 1864.
Maj. L. F. BOOTH, Cmdg. First Battalion, First Alabama Siege Artillery:
SIR: You will proceed with your own battalion to Fort P... read more
March 29, 1864 Skirmish between Bolivar and Somerville Report of Maj. P. Jones Yorke, Second New Jersey Cavalry, of skirmish near
Grierson, near Memphis, March 30, 1864.
CAPT.: I inclose two reports received this day from sco... read more
March 11, 1864 "Those men in the interests of the rebellion, who have done so much evil, can never more be trusted." Confederate Refugees in East Tennessee Still Going South.
Since our last issue the following persons and families have been ordered South, and as we learn, have departed via Cha... read more
March 11, 1864
March 28, 1864
Counter-insurgency operations around Sparta, including skirmishes on Calfkiller Creek and near Beersheba Springs MARCH 11-28, 1864.-Operations about Sparta, Tenn., including skirmishes on Calfkiller creek and near Beersheba Springs.
Report of Col. William B. St... read more
March 12, 1864 Skirmish near Union City Report of Col. Isaac R. Hawkins, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry:Note 1
UNION CITY, March 14, 1864:
SIR: I reached my camp with my entire command at 3 p. m. this day. Have with me 30 prisoners, many of them of the worst cast. On the 12th, had a running fight ... read more
March 14, 1864 5th U. S. (Tennessee) Cavalry ordered to impress horses in White, Jackson, Van Buren and Overton counties HDQRS. CHIEF OF CAV., MIL., DIV. OF THE MISSISSIPPI.
Nashville, Tenn., March 14, 1864.
Col. WILLIAM B. STOKES, Cmdg. Fifth Tennessee Cavalry:
SIR: Your favor by Lieut. Ca... read more
March 16, 1864
April 14, 1864
Confederate conscript sweeps in West TennesseeNote 1 No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from a report of Major-General Nathan Bedford Forrest on the Fort Pillow engagement relative to Confederate conscription activities in West Tennessee in April of 1864. ... read more
March 19, 1864 "Is that any way for him or any Federal officer to do?" Complaints about Federal depredations in West Tennessee at my farm Haywood County, Tennessee, 19 March 1864
Honble Andrew Johnson
Military Governor of Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Dear Sir
Last evening I brought ho... read more
April 23, 1864 Federal Major-General C. C. Washburn first situation reports for West Tennessee
HDQRS. DISTRICT OF WEST TENNESSEE, Memphis, Tenn., April 23, 1864.
Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.:
SIR: I report that I arrived here to-day and assumed command. Nothing sp... read more
April 25, 1864 Forrest's command conducts conscript sweep and arrests deserters from his command in West Tennessee HDQRS. FORREST'S CAVALRY, Jackson, April 25, 1864.
Lieut. Col. THOMAS M. JACK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
COL.:. . . My entire command is engaged conscripting and arresting deserte... read more

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