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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
April 6, 1861 Secessionist fever in Jackson Jackson, Tenn., April 6, 1861
Editors Appeal: The "Independent Southern Guards" raised a new flag of the Confederate States here to-day, in place of the one which was first raised, as it was only a temporary one. The flag is truly a splendid one, and ... read more
May 17, 1861 "Victor Emmanuel II of Italy and the Confederate States-twin sisters of freedom." Flag presentation to the Memphis Italian-Bersaglieri military company Italian Flag Presentation.
We have little space for the details of these frequent and interesting ceremonies-flag presentations-bu... read more
May 21, 1861 "Tennessee." All hail, beautiful and brave daughter of the South! With open hands and loving hearts we welcome you! No oath is needed to prove to us your fidelity and affection. The achievements of your gallant volunteers in every field when you country called you, are your witnesses... read more
May 24, 1861 Major-General Gideon J. Pillow on expected attack by River upon Fort Randolph
The major-general in command of the Army of Tennessee is in possession of the purpose of the enemy to attempt, withi... read more
May 25, 1861 War excitement in Jackson Went to town this evening. The Public mind is so excited that everybody wants to know everything. . . There will be fighting in earnest doubtless very soon. 1000 Confederate troops passed thro Jackson this evening from Miss. on their way to Northern line of ... read more
May 27, 1861 Fear of a slave insurrection in Madison County . . . Went to town this evening while there a message was sent to Jackson from up about Mr. Pinson that there was an insurrection among the negroes headed by white men. A company [of soldiers] from Memphis was sent on the cars &
[a] go... read more
May 29, 1861 Women drill in Confederate military camps in Jackson Letter from Jackson.
Jackson, Tenn., May 29, 1861.
Editors Appeal: According to promise, I write you this letter to let you know how times are with us, and something about times in camp since our arrival here. The most interest... read more
May 31, 1861 Execution of murderes Moses and Isacc in Memphis The Execution To-day.-At one o'clock to-day the two negroes, Moses and Isaac, found guilty of murder, are to be executed in the field on the Raleigh road, this side the fair grounds. The prisoners will leave the jail about noon, escort... read more
June 8, 1861 Voting for secession in Jackson I rode into town and voted for Tennessee being separated from the United States & to be represented in the Congress of the Confederate States. Tennessee now makes 11 states now seceded. It matters not how the future historians may record events now tra... read more
June 8, 1861 Flag presentation in Memphis Military-Woman.-Beauty is ever ready to pay her compliments to valor, as the brave are ever ready to pay homage to the fair. The first of these propositions has been abundantly proven since the current in the great river of events has drifted us into revo... read more

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