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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
July 7, 1863
July 9, 1863
Patrol, Union City to Jackson and Trenton environs UNION CITY, July 9, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. ASBOTH:
GEN.: The patrol sent out on the afternoon of July 7 returned to-day, and reported that, having been about 15 miles this side of Jackson, they found the enemy around Jack... read more
July 7, 1863
July 9, 1863
Confederate conscript sweep in Trenton, Jackson environs •See July 7, 1863-July 9, 1863-Patrol, Union City to Jackson and Trenton en­virons ... read more
July 8, 1863 Patrol from Union City to Gardner's Station •See July 7, 1863-July 9, 1863-Patrol, Union City to Jackson and Trenton en­virons ... read more
July 10, 1863 Capture of outpost at Union City JULY 10, 1863.-Capture of outpost at Union City, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army, commanding District of Columbus, Ky.
No. 2.-Col. John Scott, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry.
No. 3.-Maj. Edward Langen, Fourth Missou... read more
July 10, 1863 Skirmish at Bolivar JULY 10, 1863.-Skirmish at Bolivar, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
No. 2.-Lieut. Col. James F. Drish, One hundred and twenty-second Illinois
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
CORINTH, ... read more
July 12, 1863 Scout to Bolivar environs, skirmish with and dispersal of R. R. Whites' guerrillas at Clover creek near Big Hatchie
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of Maj. Datus E. Coon, Second Iowa Cavalry.
LA GRANGE, TENN. July 17, 1863.
SIR: I have to report the ... read more
August 3, 1863 Skirmish near Denmark •See August 10, 1863--R. V. Richardson's report on Confederate conscript sweeps in West Tennessee
AUGUST 3, 1868.-Scout from Fort Pillow, Tenn., and skirmish near Denmark, Tenn.
Report of Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army, commanding Sixth Division, ... read more
August 15, 1863 In the Penitentiary A man named Judge Jackson, a citizen of Dixon county, Tenn., for maliciously shooting James May with intent to kill him, on or about the 22d day of May last, was yesterday committed to the Penitentiary, where he is to serve his hard labor for the term of two ye... read more
August 4, 1863 Anti-guerrilla initiative launched in the Union City, Trenton, Troy, Dyersburg environs to stop August 6 Confederate elections HDQRS. SIXTH DIVISION, SIXTEENTH CORPS, Columbus, Ky., August 4, 1863.
Col. GEORGE E. WARING, JR., Cmdg. Brigade, Feliciana, Ky.:
COL.: Your report fro... read more
August 19, 1863 Skirmish at Weem's Springs [Bon Aqua], capture of guerrilla Dick McCann
AUGUST 19, 1863.-Skirmish at Weems' Springs,Note 1 Tenn.
Report of Capt. James Clifford, First Missouri Cavalry.
NASHVILLE, TENN., August 23, 1863.
CAPT.: I have the honor to submit the following repor... read more

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