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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
ca. September 1, 1863
September 4, 1863
Confederate conscript sweeps near Jackson MEMPHIS, TENN., September 4, 1863. Gen. HURLBUT:
~ ~ ~
Newsom, with some 700 men, is in the neighborhood of Jackson, Tenn.,
stealing horses and conscripting.
August MERSY, Col., Comdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol.... read more
September 11, 1863
September 16, 1863
Expedition from Corinth, Mississippi, to Henderson, Tennessee
SEPTEMBER 11-16, 1863.-Expedition from Corinth, Miss., to Henderson, Tenn., with Skirmishes at Clark's Creek Church (13th) and near Henderson (14th).
Report of Maj. George H. Estabrook, Seve... read more
September 11, 1863
September 16, 1863
Expedition from LaGrange to Toone's Station Report of a scout to Toone's Station by this brigade, under Lieut.-Col. Breckenridge, Sixth Tennessee Cavalry
CAMP 6TH TENN. CAV., Grand Junction, Tenn., September 19, 1863.
SIR: In pursuance to special order... read more
September 12, 1863 Skirmish at Rheatown No circumstantial reports filed.
Maj.-Gen. BURNSIDE, Knoxville, Tenn.:
Col. Graham reports his outpost pickets have been attacked near Rheatown to­day, and that there had been considerable fighting; he thinks the enemy is in force and moving this way. H... read more
September 12, 1863 Report relative to esprit de corps of Army of Tennessee HDQRS. FIRST DIVISION, TWENTY-FIRST ARMY CORPS, Gordon's Mills, September 12, 1863—7.30 p. m.
Capt. P. P. OLDERSHAW, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
CAPT.: Three deserters, belonging to the First Confederate, Jackson's brigad... read more
ca. September 13, 1863
September 18, 1863
Federal scout in Southwest TennesseeNote 1 "A Raid from Fort Pillow."
Two companies of the 52d Indiana volunteers, mounted infantry, returned recently from a five day's scout having crossed the Hatchie river three miles from the Fort, paid a flying v... read more
September 14, 1863 Federal forces pass through Bolivar en route to Jackson The Yankees came in very unexpectedly this morning on their way to Jackson. They stole Eddie's pony and Cousin Willie's horse, but fortunately after having examined them in the day light found them not fit for service or t... read more
September 14, 1863 Solicitation of permission to raise Union home guard units in Carroll, Henry and Weakley counties Union City Tenn Sept 14th/63
Hon A. Johnson Nashville
Gov Tenn
Excelent Sir
My object in writing to you was to get permission to raise an Independent Company for Home Guard... read more
September 19, 1863 Skirmish at and occupation of Bristol by Federal troops No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Itinerary of the 23d Army Corps, August 1-September 30, 1863.
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September 19.-Wolford moved to Knoxville. White from Morristown, toward Knoxville. The Second Brig... read more
September 19, 1863 Confederate conscript sweep in Madison, Decatur, McNairy and Henderson counties
LAGRANGE, September 19, 1863.
Lieut.-Col. BINMORE, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:
Information just received that Col. Wilson with 400 to 600 cavalry, also Newson with 200 cavalry, crossed the Tennes... read more

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