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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
June 10, 1863 Concern in Bolivar and Jackson regarding the withdrawal of Federal forces LAGRANGE, TENN., June 10, 1863.
Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT, Cmdg. Tenth Army Corps, Memphis:
GEN.: ~ ~ ~
. . . The people of Jackson and Bolivar appear to be distressed at our leaving them to the mercy of guerril... read more
July 13, 1863
July 15, 1863
SkirmishesNote 1 at Forked Deer River, occupation of Jackson and skirmish at Spring Creek,Note 2 Madison County
Report of Col. Edward Hatch, Second Iowa Cavalry, commanding Expedition.
In compl... read more
July 14, 1863 "Here's Your Mule" Note 1 "Here's Your Mule" Come Soldiers, listen to my lay Here's your mule, your long eared mule I'll sing the warriors of the day, Here's your mule, &c. Old General Bragg, he leads the way, And moves his army twice a day, And once at night, I've heard them say He... read more
July 14, 1863 Aftermath of the attack on Jackson All hands gone. The last (Hurst Regmt.) left about 2 o'clock this evening. The federals left some of their wounded here, doubtless carried many with them. I have understood they had killed 6 at the bridge (Campbell). One thing certain their ambulan... read more
July 15, 1863 Skirmish on Forked Deer CreekNote 1 JULY 15: 1863.-Skirmish on Forked Deer Creek, Tenn.
Report of Col. Fielding Hurst, First West Tennessee Cavalry.
LAGRANGE, TENN., July 20, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor of submitting the following report:
In compliance with your order bearin... read more
July 15, 1863 "REBEL OUTRAGES IN EAST TENNESSEE." Union Men Shot and Thrown into a River.
Thirteen Men and Boys Shot and Buried in one Grave.
Women Whipped and hung by Rebel Officers.
From Col. Robt. A. Crawford, of Greene county, Tennessee, who is a refugee and was one of the vice-presiden... read more
July 25, 1863 Report of Confederate atrocity in Roane County Doings of the Chivalry in East Tennessee-Cold-blooded and Horrible Murder.
William Magil, Esq. an old and respected citizen of Roane county, East Tennessee, who served in the war of 1812, with Jackson, and participated in the battle o... read more
July 28, 1863 "By the favor of God you have expelled the insurgents from Middle Tennessee." General William S. Rosecrans issues General Orders No. 175
•See August 15, 1863--GENERAL ORDERS No. 199, warning against guer­rilla activities in Middle Tennessee
July 28, 1863, Winchester, Tenn. GENER... read more
July 29, 1863 C. S. A. orders security precautions in Cocke County during August 6, 1863 elections HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF EAST TENNESSEE, July 29, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. [A. E. ] JACKSON:
GEN.: Information has been received at these headquarters that about 200 bushwhackers are expected to meet and co... read more
July 30, 1863 "Warn your messengers, pickets, and scouts to be very careful." Federal situation report for West Tennessee
COL.: Inclosed I hand copies of official communications regarding ... read more

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