Tennessee State Library and Archives
Civil War Source Book
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Alexander, Thomas B. “Strange Bedfellows: The Interlocking Careers of T.A.R. Nelson, Andrew Johnson and W.G. (Parson) Brownlow.” East Tennessee Historical Society Publications 51 (1979), 54—77.
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__________. “Is Civil War History Polarized?—A Question Suggested by the Career of Thomas A.R. Nelson.” East Tennessee Historical Society Publications 29 (1957), 10—39
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Allardice, Bruce S. “In Search of…General William Henry Caroll [1811—1866]. West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 48 (1994), 60—72. Carroll of Memphis was a brigadier general in Tennessee’s Confederate army.
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Bates, Walter Lynn. “Southern Unionists: A Socio—Economic Examination of the Third East Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment, U.S.A.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 50, no. 4 (1991), 226—239.
“The Battles for Chattanooga,” Civil War Times Illustrated (Special Supplement), Aug. 1971, 4—50.
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Bearss, Edwin C. “Unconditional Surrender: The Fall of Fort Donelson.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 21 (1962), 47—65, 140—161.
__________. “The Fall of Fort Henry, Tennessee.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 17 (1963), 85—107.
__________. “The Construction of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 21 (1967), 24—47.
__________. “A Confederate Private at Fort Donelson, 1862.” AHR 31 (1925—26), 477—484.
__________. Forrest at Brice’s Cross Roads and in North Mississippi in 1864. Dayton, Ohio: Press of Morningside Bookshop, 1979.
__________. “General John Hunt Morgan’s Second Kentucky Raid (December, 1862).” Part 2: “Morgan Attacks Elizabethtown.” Register of the Kentucky History Society 70 (Apr. 1972), 177—188. Part 3: “Morgan Begins His Return to Middle Tennessee.” Register of the Kentucky History Society 70 (Oct. 1972) 426—438.
__________. “The Ironclads at Fort Donelson.” Part 1: “The Ironclads Sail for the Cumberland.” Register of the Kentucky History Society 74 (1976), 1—9. Part 2: “The Confederates Prepare for the Ironclads.” Register of the Kentucky History Society 74 (1976), 73—84. Part 3: “The Ironclads Fail.” Register of the Kentucky History Society 74 (1976), 167—191.
__________. “Cavalry Operations in the Battles of Stones River.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 19 (1960), 23—53, 110—144.
Beaty, Janice. Seeker of Seaways; a Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury, Pioneer Oceanographer. New York: Pantheon, 1966.
Bejach, Lois D. “The Journal of a Civil War ‘Commando’—DeWitt Clinton Fort.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 2 (1948), 5—32.
__________. “The Battle of Moscow, Tennessee.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 27 (1973), 108—112.
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Bejach, Wilena Roberts. “Civil War Letters of a Mother and Son.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 4 (1950), 50—71.
Belz, Herman. The Etheridge Conspiracy of 1863: A Projected Conservative Coup. Journal of Southern History 36, no. 4 (1970), 549—67.
Bentley H. Blair. “Morale as a Factor in the Confederate Failure at Island Number Ten.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 31 (1977), 117—131.
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Biel, John G., ed. “The Battle of Shiloh: From the Letters and Diary of Joseph Dimmitt Thompson.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 17 (1958), 250—274.
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Black, Robert C. The Railroads of the Confederacy. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1952.
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Booth, Louise. The Beleaguered Forty—First Tennessee. Villa—Park, Calif. D.R. Booth Associates, 1996.
__________. Waiting for the Moment: Civil War Home Front—Indiana—Northern Alabama—Middle Tennessee Campaign. Villa Park, Calif. The author, 1983.
Born, Kathryn. “The Unionist Movement in Eastern Tennessee during the Civil War and Reconstruction Period.” Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1933.
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Brandt, Robert S. “Lighting and Rain in Middle Tennessee: The Campaign of June—July 1863.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 52, no. (1993), 158—169. Col. John T. Wilder’s “Lightning Brigade” of the U.S. Army and General Rosecrans maneuvered Bragg out of Middle Tennessee.
Branham, Lowell. “The Battle of Chickamauga.” Tennessee Valley Perspective 4, no. 2 (1973), 10—16.
Bratcher, James T., ed. “An 1866 Letter on the War and Reconstruction.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 22 (1963), 83—86.
Braly, Mary Gramling. “If I Had a Thousand Lives.” Tennessee Historical Magazine (ser.2) 1 (1930—31), 261—269.
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Brewer, Richard J. “The Tullahoma Campaign: Operational Insights.” Thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1991.
Brooks, Donn Patton. “East Tennessee Forgotten Soldiers: The 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Confederate States of American.” Thesis, Southwest Texas State Univ., 1991.
Brooksher, William R. “Betwixt Wind and Water.” Civil War Times Illustrated 32 , no. 5 (1993), 64—83.
Brooksher, William, and David Snider. “Bold Cavalry Raid: Ride Down the Sequatchie Valley.” Civil War Times Illustrated 22 (1983), 32—39.
Brown, Campbell H. “Carter’s East Tennessee Reid, the Sailor on Horseback Who Raided His Own Backyard.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 22 (1963), 66—82.
Brown, Dee. “Morgan’s Christmas Raid.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 34 (1975), 99.
Brown, Dee Alexander. The Bold Cavaliers. Morgan’s 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Raiders. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott, 1959.
Brown, Leonard E. “Fortress Rosecrans: A History, 1865—1990.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 50, no. 3 (1991), 135—141. Earthen fort near Murfreesboro in Rutherford County.
Brown, Norman D., ed. One of Cleburne’s Command: The Civil War Reminiscences and Diary of Capt. Samuel T. Foster, Granbury’s Texas Brigade, C.S.A. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1980.
Brown, Russell K. To the Manner Born: The Life of General William H. T. Walker, Athens Univ. of Georgia Press, 1994.
Brownlow, William G. Helps to the Study of Presbyterianism; or, an Unsophisticated Exposition of Calvinism, with Hopkinsian Modifications and Policy, with a View to a More Easy Interpretation of the Same. To Which Is Added a Brief Account of the Life and Travels of the Author; Interspersed with Anecdotes. Knoxville: T.F.S. Heiskell, 1834.
__________. A Political Register, Setting Forth the Principles of the Whig and Locofoco Parties in the United States, with the Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. Also an appendix Personal to the Author; and a General Index. Jonesborough Whig, 1844.
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Burrage, H.S. “Retreat from Lenoir and Siege of Knoxville.” Atlantic Monthly 18 (1866), 21—30.
Burt, Jesse C., Jr. ”Sherman’s Logistics and Andrew Johnson.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 15 (1956), 195—215.
__________. “The Captive City: Part I. Terror Wore a Blue Coat,” Nashville Tennessean Magazine, March 24, 1957, 29—32.
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Cannon, Newton. The Reminiscences of Newton Cannon, ed. Campbell Brown; intro. Stanley F. Horn. Franklin L. Carter House Assoc., 1963.
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Carnes, F.G. “’We Can Hold Our Ground’: Calvin Smith’s Diary [Apr. 16—May 27, 1863]. Civil War Times Illustrated 24 [25] (Apr. 1985), 24—31. Smith was 1st Lt., Co. D, 31st Tenn. Regiment., C.S.A.
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__________.Captain Tod Carter of the Confederate States Army: A Biographical Portrait. Franklin: The author, 1978.
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Castel, Albert. “Fort Pillow: Victory or Massacre? American History Illustrated 9, no. 1 (1974), 46—48.
__________. “The War Album of Henry Dwight, Part IV,” Civil War Times Illustrated, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 1980, 32—36.
Catton, Bruce. “The Miracle on Missionary Ridge.” AH 20 (1969), 60—72.
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Chester, William W. “The Diary of Captain Elisha Tompkin Hollis.” West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 39 (1985), 83—118. Hollis was a Confederate officer from Weakley County. Diary includes 1864—65.
Christie, Amos. “Deaths and Disabilities in the Provisional Armies of Tennessee.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 43, no. 2 (1984), 132—154.
Cimprich, John Vincent, Jr. “Dr. Fitch’s Report on the Ft. Pillow Massacre.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 44 (1985), 27—39.
__________. “Military Governor Johnson and Tennessee Blacks, 1862—65.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 39, no. 4 (1980), 459—470.
Cimprich, John, and Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. “The Fort Pillow Massacre: A Statistical Note.” Journal of American History 76, no. 3 (1989), 830—837.
__________. “Fort Pillow Revisited: New Evidence About an Old Controversy.” Civil War History 28, no. 4 (1982), 293—306.
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Clark, Reuben G. Valleys of the Shadow: The Memoir of Confederate Captain Reuben G. Clark, Company I, 59th Tennessee Mounted Infantry. Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1994.
Clark, Sam L., ed. “A Confederate Officer Visits Richmond.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 11 (1952), 86—91.
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Clemmer, Gregg S. Valor In Gray: The Recipients of the Confederate Medal of Honor, Staunton, Va.: The Hearthside Publishing Company, 1996.
Cleveland, Charlotte, and Robert Daniel, eds. “The Diary of a Confederate Quartermaster.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 11 (1952), 78—85.
Commager. Henry S. Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. (1891—95; new ed., 1958).
Conklin, Forrest. “Footnotes on the Death of John Hunt Morgan.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 35, no. 4 (1976), 376—388.
Conklin, Forrest, ed. “Parson’ Brownlow on the impeachment of Judge Humphreys and Other Matters in Washington, D.C.— June, 1862.” East Tennessee Historical Society Publications 56—57 (1984—85), 120—31. Humphreys was a federal district judge.
Cleaves, Freeman. Rock of Chickamauga, the Life of General George H. Thomas. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1948.
Coffman, Edward M., ed. “Memoirs of Hylan B. Lyon, Brigadier General, C.S.A.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 11 (1959), 35—53.
Comey, Lyman Richard, ed., A Legacy of Valor: The Memoirs and Letters of Captain Henry Newton Comey, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 2004.
Connell, Moody K. Rebel Scouts: The Last Ride Home: A True Story. Cleveland, Tenn.: The author , 1995.
Connolly, James A., Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland, ed. Paul M. Angle, Indiana University Press, 1959; rpt. Vesta Angle, 1987.
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Conklin, Royal Forrest. “The Public Speaking Career of William Gannaway (Parson) Brownlow.” Diss., Ohio Univ., 1967.
Connelly, Thomas Lawrence. “Metal, Fire and Forge: The Army of Tennessee, 1861—1862.” Diss., Rice Univ., 1963.
__________. Army of the Heartland: The Army of Tennessee 1861—1862. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1967.
__________. Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee, 1862—1865. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1971.
__________. Civil War Tennessee: Battle and Leaders. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1979.
Copley, John M. A Sketch of the Battle of Franklin, Tenn.; with Reminiscences of Camp Douglas. Austin: Von Boeckmann, 1893.
Corn, John F., Jimmy Ellis, and Joe Rudis, photographers; text Bill Kovach. The Battle of Nashville; a Pictorial Record of the Centennial Re—enactment, Warner Park, December 12, 1964. Nashville: n.p., 1965.
Cotterill, Robert S. “The Louisville and Nashville Railroad, 1861—1865.” AHR 29 (1923—24), 700—715.
Cox, Jacob D. The March to the Sea: Franklin and Nashville.” Hood’s Nashville Campaign.” Civil War Times Illustrated, Dec. 1964.
Cooling, Benjamin Franklin III. “The Battle of Dover, February 3, 1863.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 22 (1963), 143—151.
__________. ed. “A Virginian at Fort Donelson. Excerpts from the Prison Diary of John Henry Guy.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 27 (1968), 176—190.
__________. Fort Donelson’s Legacy: War and Society in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1862—1863. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1996.
__________. Forts Henry and Donelson: The Key to the Confederate Heartland. Knoxville Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1987.
Cooper, Charles R/. Chronological and Alphabetical Record of the Engagement’s of the Civil War....Milwaukee, WS: The Caxton Press, Publishers,.
Cooper, William J., Jr. “A Reassessment of Jefferson Davis as War Leader: The Case from Atlanta to Nashville.” Journal of Southern History 36 (1970), 189—204.
Copley, John M. “Battle of Franklin, with Reminiscences of Camp Douglas.” Journal of Confederate History 2, no. 1 (1989), 26—53.
Corbin, Diana Fontaine M., comp. A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury. London: Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1888.
Corn, James Franklin. Death in a Garden: A Civil War Chronicle. Cleveland, Tenn.: James F. Corn, 1983.
Cosby, Helen Louise. “Union Sentiment in Tennessee during the Civil War Period.” Thesis, George Peabody College, 1929.
Cotton, Michael. The Williamson County Cavalry: A History of Company F, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A. Goodlettsville: D.M. Cotton, 1994.
Coulter, E. Merton. “Parson Brownlow’s Tour of the North during the Civil War.” East Tennessee Historical Society Publications 7 (1953), 3—27.
Cox, Brent A. The History of the Fifty—Second Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, in the War Between the States (1861—1865). Red Mound: Battle of Parkers Crossroads Press, 1987.
__________. The Only Confederate Re—enforcement at the “Battle of Shiloh.” Shady Grove: Gibson in Grey Publications, 1986.
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http://docsouth.unc.edu. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Libraries, Documenting the American South, Academic Affairs Library, Electronic editions.
Kate Carney Diary April 15, 1861—July 31, 1862. Electronic Edition.
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http://www.SouthernHistory.net. A good site for Civil War history, emphasizing but not limited to Tennessee Civil War history.
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mruddy/letters.htm. Henry Albert Potter Correspondence.
http://www.hal—pc.org/~jsb/page15.html. Alexander Slagg Correspondence, ed. by Jon S. Berndt.
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Frank M. Gurnsey Collection, Special Collections of the Mississippi Valley Collection, University of Memphis.
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Zeboim Cartter Patten Diaries, 1860—1863, mfm 119
Diary of William E. Sloan, mfm 154.
Diary of Nimrod Porter, mfm 229.
Diary of Rebecca Carter Craighead, mfm 661
George Hovey Cadman Letters, 1857—1864, mfm 824
Joel Shoffner Collection, mfm 824.
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Manuscripts — TSLA
RG 21
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RG 23, TSLA. Civil War Collection, Confederate and Federal
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Civil War Collection, Confederate Collection, Box 8, folder 23.
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Trenton Standard
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