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January 24, 1864 | Anti-guerrilla patrol near Russellville |
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Russellville, Tenn., January 25, 1864.
Capt. T. H. OSBORNE Cmdg. Scout: I am obliged to you for the information you give of the movements of the enemy against our trains. Do all you can in your vicin... read more |
January 26, 1864 January 28, 1864 |
Operations about Dandridge |
JANUARY 26-28, 1864.-Operations about Dandridge, Tenn.
SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS IN TENNESSEE. Jan. 26, 1864.-Skirmishes at Flat Creek and Muddy Creek. 27, 1864.-Skirmishers at Kelley's Ford and McNutt's Bridge. 27... read more |
January 28, 1864 | Engagement at Blount's House, a.k.a. Dibbrell's Hill |
No circumstantial reports filed.
January 27-28, Operations about Dandridge, Tennessee. Report of Colonel George Gibbs Dibrell,Note 1 Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. Army, of operations about Dandridge, Tennessee, January 28, ... read more |
January 28, 1864 January 31, 1864 |
Running skirmishes, Cumberland River to mouth of Caney Fork River to Flynn's Lick, Jackson County | •See January 28, 1864-February 8, 1864-Expedition from Gallatin to Cumberland Mountains ... read more |
January 28, 1864 February 8, 1864 |
Expedition from Gallatin to Cumberland Mountains |
JANUARY 28-February 8, 1864.-Expedition from Gallatin to Cumberland Mountains, Tenn.
Report of Col. Henry K. McConnell, Seventy-first Ohio Infantry. HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Fort Thomas, Tenn., February 10, 1864.... read more |
January 6, 1864 ca. January 13, 1864 |
Expedition from Grand Junction to Mississippi |
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Columbus, Ky., January 6, 1864. Brig. Gen. A. J. SMITH, Cmdg. District of Columbus, Ky., Jackson, Tenn.: GEN.: I am not well informed of your present position, and ... read more |
January 11, 1864 | Scout to Lexington |
JANUARY 11, 1864.-Scout to Lexington, Tenn.
Report of Col. Isaac R. Hawkins, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry. PARIS TENN., January 14, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to report that up to last evening I remained at Huntingdon. On the 11th I detached 100 men and se... read more |
January 14, 1864 | Skirmish at Schultz's Mill on Cosby creekNote 1 |
Report of Col. John B. Palmer, Fifth-eighth North Carolina Infantry [CS], commanding Western District of North Carolina.
HDQRS. WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA, Asheville, January 19, 1864. COL.: I regret to state that positi... read more |
January 1, 1864 January 20, 1864 |
Albert Underwood, 9th Indiana Light Artillery, entries in his Civil War diary, January 1- 20, 1864. The move from Huntington, Tennessee, to Union City, Tennessee | Fri. Jan. 1: Clear and cold this morning. The thermometer stood at ten degrees above zero this morni... read more |
January 16, 1864 | On Confederate Cherokees in Tennessee and North Carolina |
The North Carolina Cherokee Indians.-The Ashville (N. C. ) News says:
It has seemed to have escaped the attention of the public the very important services rendered the cause of the South by the North Carolina Cherokee In... read more |
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