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The Tennessee Civil War Sourcebook is a searchable collection of over 7,000 articles chronicling the Civil War in Tennessee from September 1, 1861 through September 30, 1865.


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Date Title Article
January 24, 1864 Anti-guerrilla patrol near Russellville HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Russellville, Tenn., January 25, 1864.
Capt. T. H. OSBORNE Cmdg. Scout:
I am obliged to you for the information you give of the movements of the enemy against our trains. Do all you can in your vicin... read more
January 26, 1864
January 28, 1864
Operations about Dandridge JANUARY 26-28, 1864.-Operations about Dandridge, Tenn.
SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS IN TENNESSEE. Jan. 26, 1864.-Skirmishes at Flat Creek and Muddy Creek. 27, 1864.-Skirmishers at Kelley's Ford and McNutt's Bridge. 27... read more
January 28, 1864 Engagement at Blount's House, a.k.a. Dibbrell's Hill No circumstantial reports filed.
January 27-28, Operations about Dandridge, Tennessee. Report of Colonel George Gibbs Dibrell,Note 1 Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. Army, of operations about Dandridge, Tennessee, January 28, ... read more
January 28, 1864
January 31, 1864
Running skirmishes, Cumberland River to mouth of Caney Fork River to Flynn's Lick, Jackson County •See January 28, 1864-February 8, 1864-Expedition from Gallatin to Cum­berland Mountains ... read more
January 28, 1864
February 8, 1864
Expedition from Gallatin to Cumberland Mountains JANUARY 28-February 8, 1864.-Expedition from Gallatin to Cumberland Mountains, Tenn.
Report of Col. Henry K. McConnell, Seventy-first Ohio Infantry.
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Fort Thomas, Tenn., February 10, 1864.... read more
January 6, 1864
ca. January 13, 1864
Expedition from Grand Junction to Mississippi River
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Columbus, Ky., January 6, 1864.
Brig. Gen. A. J. SMITH, Cmdg. District of Columbus, Ky., Jackson, Tenn.:
GEN.: I am not well informed of your present position, and ... read more
January 11, 1864 Scout to Lexington JANUARY 11, 1864.-Scout to Lexington, Tenn.
Report of Col. Isaac R. Hawkins, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry.
PARIS TENN., January 14, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to report that up to last evening I remained at Huntingdon. On the 11th I detached 100 men and se... read more
January 14, 1864 Skirmish at Schultz's Mill on Cosby creekNote 1 Report of Col. John B. Palmer, Fifth-eighth North Carolina Infantry [CS], commanding Western District of North Carolina.
COL.: I regret to state that positi... read more
January 1, 1864
January 20, 1864
Albert Underwood, 9th Indiana Light Artillery, entries in his Civil War diary, January 1- 20, 1864. The move from Huntington, Tennessee, to Union City, Tennessee Fri. Jan. 1: Clear and cold this morning. The thermometer stood at ten degrees above zero this morni... read more
January 16, 1864 On Confederate Cherokees in Tennessee and North Carolina The North Carolina Cherokee Indians.-The Ashville (N. C. ) News says:
It has seemed to have escaped the attention of the public the very important services rendered the cause of the South by the North Carolina Cherokee In... read more

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