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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 2404
Database ID: 848
Record Series Abstract: Records contain: Application for Certificate of Competency (CN-0704), Certificate of Competency (CN-0756), Water/Wastewater Operator Renewal (CN-0702), Notice and Final Notice of Failure to Renew, Notice of Loss of Certification, etc. Records are maintained to document certification requirements of operators to lawfully operate water/waste water operations for the protection of the public health and environment and prevent inadequate operation of such water systems. Enforcement and penalties for incompetency, falsification of documents, negligence, or inaccurate data on qualifications, etc., which can lead to penalties and revoke the certification of an operator based on this information.
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: THE FILES ARE TO BE CUT OFF AT THE END OF EACH: Annual certification period (October 1 thru September 30).
Total Retention: 5 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Destroy
Disposition Notes: THE FILES ARE TO BE CUT OFF AT THE END OF EACH: Annual certification period (October 1 thru September 30). Maintain in agency 5 years for re-certification verification, then destroy. Files contain personal information required for certification--birth certificates, verification of citizenship, such as a state-issued ID or Driver’s license, birth certificate, valid, unexpired US Passport, social security card. If alien status the applicant must have acceptable US Department of Homeland Security documents through SAVE verification program. Verification of Work experience documents signed by a certified operator of similar or higher classification, familiar with work experience. . Or certification issued contingent upon reciprocal privileges granted by the State from another state, provided the requirements of that state are comparable or higher, and do not conflict with this process.Certification is for 5 years and revocation is 5 years.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 848
Record Location: Fleming Training Center, 2022 Blanton Avenue, Murfresboro,Tn 37129 Murfresboro, TN 37
File Arrangement: alpha
Media Format Generated: Paper
Media Format Stored: Paper: Sheet
Date Range: 2008- Current
Annual Accumulation: 24 cu. ft.
Current Volume: 146 cu. ft.
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal, Legal
Audit Requirements: State
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 25
Past Year: 5
2 - 5 Years: 1
Over 5 Years: 0
Data Update Frequency: Daily
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Essential Record: No
Essential Record Stored:
Essential Record Media Type:
Confidential: No
Confidential Legal Citation:
Media Recommendation: Other
Media Recommendation Other: Paper
Agency Retention: Maintain in agency 5 years, after annual renewal/fee period,then destroy.
Agency Retention - Years Active: 5
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period: 0
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Destroy
Legal Citation: TCA 68-221-904 Certifed Operators only--Violations of part--Penalties, 909 and 910 responsibilities and duration.
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name:
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description:
Software Description:
System Location:
Backup Procedures:
Disaster Recovery:
Data Migration Description:
Metadata Description:
Contact Information
Contact Name: Shonquita Parrish
Job Title: TDEC Records Officer
Address 1: 10th Floor, Wm. R. Snodgrass TN Tower
Address 2: 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 6157418894
Agency: Dept. of Environment & Conservation
Agency Head: Robert J. Martineau
Director: Tisha Calabrese
Allotment Code: 327.44
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 04-03-2014 Please Clarify Date Range. 6/13/14- Agency has provided date range. No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 05-12-2014 TSLA concurs with RMD comment.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2014-08-05 Awaiting information requested by RMD from agency.5-28-14 We have reviewed RDA 2404 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency: 07-08-2014 Thank you
RMD Director Recomendations: 08-05-2014 RDA 2404 is a request to revise an RDA. The retention period will be changed from twenty-five years to five years. Recommend approval of RDA 2404.
Signed Form Received: 2014-07-24
PRC Meeting Date: 09-10-2014
PRC Comments: PRC approved RDA 2404
PRC Action: Approved
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
848 2404 2014-09-10 Approved