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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 2124
Database ID: 610
Record Series Title: Child, Medical and Spousal Financial Support Ordered Obligation, Collection, Distribution, Accounting and Enforcement Documentation Case Files
Record Series Abstract: Records include but not limited to: Application, Court Order, Collection Amounts, Distribution Amounts, Disbursements, Correspondence, Case Notes, Certified Mail, Drivers License Revocation Information, Accounting and related case records and documentation
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: When the ordered financial support obligation has been fulfilled and there is no outstanding balance, litigation, appeal or debt owed.
Total Retention: 5 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Destroy
Disposition Notes: Case files are established when an applicant submits a paper application requesting State enforcement assistance. Interstate cases are established by application and through a transmittal document packet sent to the corresponding State Agency. Case files are also established directly from utilizing the support order and a completed request from the presiding court. Both the electronic and paper versions are maintained in agency or at a State approved off-site facility. Files are kept for 5 years after cut off, then destroyed according to Federal and State methods.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 610
Record Location: Records are located at the TDHS State office and 31 District offices across the State.
File Arrangement: Alpha / Numeric
Media Format Generated: Both
Media Format Stored: Paper/Electronic
Date Range: 1980 - current
Annual Accumulation: 146 cubic feet / 76 Gigabytes
Current Volume: 995 cubic feet / 922 Gigabytes
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal, Legal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 999
Past Year: 999
2 - 5 Years: 999
Over 5 Years: 999
Data Update Frequency: Daily
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement
Essential Record: Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored: IBM ZOS 1.13 Mainframe / IBM Data Center Boulder, Colorado
Essential Record Media Type: Electronic
Confidential: Yes
Confidential Legal Citation: 45 CFR 302.15 / 45 CFR 303.11(d) / 45 CFR 75.361 – 75.365 / T.C.A. 71-1-131 Confidentiality of Records
Media Recommendation: Current Format
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: 5 years 0 months
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period:
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Destroy
Legal Citation: 45 CFR 302.15 / 45 CFR 303.11(d) / 45 CFR 75.361 – 75.365 / T.C.A. 71-1-131 Confidentiality of Records
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: Tennessee Child Support Enforcement System (TCSES)
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description: IBM ZOS 1.13 Mainframe
Software Description: DB2 Data Base; COBOL, CA;Gen Software
System Location: IBM Data Center Boulder, Colorado
Backup Procedures: TCSES is a DB2 data base system which is backed up nightly by O.I.R. and taken to an offsite storage vault in Iron Mountain, CO. The data is kept in the storage vault for fourteen days. Weekly backups of TCSES disk packs are made over the weekend and sent to the storage vault. Recovery jobs, along with all daily, weekly, and monthly job listings, are attached. Database tables containing FTI are backed up, labeled and stored separately from other DB2 Tables.
Disaster Recovery: The goal of the Disaster Recovery Plan is to allow necessary functions to continue in the event of a temporary failure at the Data Center. Plans have been developed to permit an alternate form of issuance for child support payments in the event TCSES is not operational within three days. Preparations have been made to allow Child Support offices to react manually to the necessary case management and legal actions required to conduct business. The local Judicial Offices will continue working via the use of paper forms. It is obvious that these actions will not allow employees to achieve the volume associated with a normal workload. It will be the responsibility of the Information System Managers to determine the exact system recovery point when data processing functions resume.
Data Migration Description: All modifications and enhancements to TCSES programs or the database must be made in the Development region. Unit testing is performed in this same region, using test data created by the programmers. Once a program has been successfully unit tested by the programmers it is migrated to System Test and functional tests created by the analysts are performed. Once a program has been successfully unit tested by the programmers and functional tests created by the analysts the program is compiled into the acceptance test region for testing by User Acceptance Test staff from Child Support Program. A program must pass formal acceptance testing before it can be moved into the production region. The migration of all new or changed code is controlled through the Production Migration form which must be signed by the TCSES Area Director or backup, the Acceptance Testers, the Developers, the Analysts and Supervisors. The code can then only be migrated by the DBA Group
Metadata Description: • In TCSES, the data is stored in tables • DB2 is a relational database management system that houses all of the tables • These DB2 tables consist of multiple attributes • These attributes may exist on more than one table • More than one table may populate a screen • Table names in TCSES are in the format of FMAXXX (i.e. FMA250 is the name of the CASE table). • Screens may update data directly or store the update request for batch processing • Screens are grouped by menus Data is divided into the following areas: • Case • Case Initiation • Locate • Case Management • Interstate • Legal • Establishment • Enforcement • Delinquency • Financial • Collections • Distribution • Disbursement • Management Reporting • Performance Measures • Federal Reporting – OCSE 34A, OCSE 157
Contact Information
Contact Name: Karen Maclin-Barber
Job Title: Records Liaison
Address 1: Citizens Plaza Building, 3rd Floor
Address 2: 400 Deaderick Street
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 615-253-1195
Agency: Dept. of Human Services
Agency Head: DHS Commissioner Raquel Hatter
Director: Record Management Unit Director, Pennye Neal
Allotment Code: 345.00
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 09-29-2016 No Recommended Changes.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 10-07-2016 No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2016-09-30 We have reviewed RDA 2124 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency: 09-30-2016 No Recommended Changes
RMD Director Recomendations: 10-14-2016 RDA 2124 is a request to revise an RDA. The retention period will remain five years and destroy. The Title, Abstract, Cut Off, Disposition, and Worksheet have been updated. Recommend approval of request to revise RDA 2124.
Signed Form Received: 2016-10-14
PRC Meeting Date: 11-03-2016
PRC Comments: PRC approves RDA 2124
PRC Action: Approved
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
610 2124 2016-11-03 Approved
2186 2124 2017-03-28 Approved