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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 2117
Database ID: 603
Record Series Title: Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)Client Records
Record Series Abstract: This Record series consist of individual records for vocational rehabilitation clients including personal information, medical records, psychological records, school records, fiscal records and disposition of case information.
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: Records are cut off upon case closure.
Total Retention: 5 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Destroy
Disposition Notes: Record are received as paper and then scanned into digital format within 30 days of receipt. Upon verification of images the electronic version is kept for the remainder of the retention period, then destroyed according to state approved methods.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 603
Record Location: The records are located at statewide Vocational Rehabilitation offices and facilities.
File Arrangement: Alpha and Numeric
Media Format Generated: Both
Media Format Stored: Paper/Electronic
Date Range: 1990 to Current
Annual Accumulation: 288 cu. ft. 50 gigabytes
Current Volume: 1444 cu. ft. 4.17 gigabytes.
Record Value: Administrative, Legal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 999
Past Year: 500
2 - 5 Years: 100
Over 5 Years: 0
Data Update Frequency: Weekly
Information Shared Outside of State: No
If Shared, List Agencies:
Essential Record: Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored: VR maintains the paper documents. Electronic data and images are maintained at Strategic Technology Solutions (STS) Data Center. After the required retention period, records are destroyed according to state approved methods.
Essential Record Media Type: Electronic
Confidential: Yes
Confidential Legal Citation: T.C.A. 49-11-13 and 34C.F.R. 341.38
Media Recommendation: Current Format
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: 5 years 0 months
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period:
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Destroy
Legal Citation: T.C.A. 49-11-13 and 34C.F.R. 341.38
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: Vocational Rehab TRIMS (Tennessee Rehabilitation Information Mgt System)
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description: The electronic records are permanently stored in Strategic Technology Solutions(STS)FileNet system. All hardware for maintaining the records series shall be maintained in accordance with the current standards of(STS). Before documents are stored in FileNet they are stored on an STS VmWare server in a folder and the metadata is stored in a database on an STS server.
Software Description: FileNet is STS’ electronic storage/retrieval system. All software for maintaining the records series shall be maintained in accordance with the current standards of the Strategic Technology Solutions (STS). Agency shall use File Types and Formats that are considered High Confidence by STS. Before documents are stored in FileNet the document and its metadata are captured one of two ways; 1) using multi-function devices and scanning the document with a barcoded cover sheet using Lexmark Document Distributor software or 2) uploading the document via DHS .net web application. TIF, TIFF, and PDF are the acceptable file types as of the date of this document, 12-15-2015. NOTE: Filenet Object Store is “DHS” Filenet Document Class is “Voc Rehab”
System Location: Department of Human Services uses the TRIMS system. The electronic record is kept on servers maintained and supported by STS (Strategic Technology Solutions) at their Data Center. STS servers used before documents are stored in FileNet are also located at STS Data Centers.
Backup Procedures: Backup procedures shall be maintained in accordance with the current standards of the Strategic Technology Solutions (STS). Backup procedures shall be reviewed and tested annually.
Disaster Recovery: The Agency shall have a detailed Disaster Recovery Plan for the system in accordance with the current standards of the Strategic Technology Solutions (STS). Disaster Recovery plans shall be reviewed annually.
Data Migration Description: TRIMS documents are scanned via state mfp on the state network or uploaded via state .net intranet web application to a folder on an STS server that the TRIMS application points to for documents that are available to be attached to a case in TRIMS. As the document is attached to a case it is moved from the STS server to the Filenet Repository. The metadata captured at the time of scan or upload is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database and is never deleted, not even for documents that are not attached to a TRIMS case. The document on the STS server is deleted after it is moved to Filenet. Documents uploaded or scanned to the STS folder are automatically deleted after two weeks from the date they were uploaded or scanned if they are not attached to a TRIMS case.
Metadata Description: SQL Server before FileNet Primary Key (required) Filename (required; VRDoc_racfid_mmddccyy_hhmmsssss.pdf) Content Type (required; application/pdf for all rows) FileSize(optional) Document Source (required; 1 for MFP, 2 for Uploaded, 3 for FAX) ConvertedToOCRFlag (required; true or false) ConvertedToOCRDate(optional; date converted to OCR (the datetime it was visible to TRIMS) OCRPageBegin (required; beginning page of source doc to use) OCRPageEnd (required; ending page of source doc to use) PrinterIP (optional; NULL if uploaded, IP of MFP if not uploaded) VerifiedFlag (required; true or false) VerifiedDate (optional; date of verification) VerifiedBy (optional; WinService or NULL) CreatedDate (required; datetime row created) CreatedBy (required; racfid) ModifiedDate (required; same as CreatedDate) ModifiedBy (required; same as CreatedBy) DeletedFlag (required; true or false) DeletedDate (optional; date of deletion) DeletedBy (optional; ADMIN or NULL) ActiveFlag (required; true or false) FileNet GUID (each document has a unique GUID) RACFID Other audit elements such as date added, added by, etc
Contact Information
Contact Name: Karen Maclin Barber
Job Title: Records Liaison
Address 1: Citizens Plaza Building, 3rd Floor
Address 2: 400 Deaderick Street
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 615-253-1195
Agency: Dept. of Human Services
Agency Head: Commissioner Raquel Hatter
Director: Pennye Neal
Allotment Code: 345.00
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 01-21-2016 No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 02-01-2016 No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2016-01-21 We have reviewed RDA 2117 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency: 02-03-2016 No recommended changes.
RMD Director Recomendations: 02-11-2016 RDA 2117 is a request to revise an RDA. The Abstract, Disposition, Cut Off, and Worksheet have been updated. The retention period will change from three years to five years. The format will change to paper/electronic. Recommend approval of request to revise RDA 2117.
Signed Form Received: 2016-02-11
PRC Meeting Date: 02-25-2016
PRC Comments: PRC approves RDA 2117.
PRC Action: Approved
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
603 2117 2016-02-25 Approved