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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 11162
Database ID: 2104
Record Series Title: ECD Private Activity Bond Allocation & Annual Reports
Record Series Abstract: Tenn. Code Ann. 9-20-103 gives ECD the authority to allocate the State of Tennessee's private activity bond authority among governmental units that have the authority to issue bonds. ECD is required by Tenn. Code Ann. 9-20-104 to develop an annual allocation plan for this bond authority, and is required by Tenn. Code Ann. 9-20-105 to prepare an annual report on private activity bond allocations and deliver such report to the Tennessee General Assembly. These files include annual allocation plans and annual reports. These files may also include backup documentation and recordkeeping related to the annual reports and allocation plans.
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Fiscal Year
If Other, Explain:
Total Retention: 0 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Permanent
Disposition Notes: ECD’s private activity bonds records should be retained permanently. Because the IRS has the ability to audit both a current bond issue and any underlying bond issues, records regarding authority to issue private activity bonds should be kept permanently in order to provide assurance that all such bonds issued under the State of Tennessee’s bond authority were properly issued. Permanent retention of these records will ensure that the State of Tennessee is able to provide ongoing justification for all private activity bonds issued under the State of Tennessee’s authority in case of an audit or other legal challenge to the State’s private activity bond authority.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 2107
Record Location: Microsoft file server located at the State of TN Data Center
File Arrangement: By year
Media Format Generated: Electronic
Media Format Stored: Electronic: Text
Date Range: January, 1985 to current
Annual Accumulation: 2 mb. per year
Current Volume: 2 mb
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal, Legal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 4
Past Year: 4
2 - 5 Years: 4
Over 5 Years: 4
Data Update Frequency: Yearly
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: IRS
Essential Record: No
Essential Record Stored:
Essential Record Media Type:
Confidential: No
Confidential Legal Citation:
Media Recommendation: Current Format
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: Permanent
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period:
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Keep as Electronic
Legal Citation: TCA 9-20-101; TCA 9-20-102; TCA 9-20-103; TCA 9-20-104; TCA 9-20-105; TCA 9-20-106
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: Microsoft Office/SharePoint Data Files
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description: Microsoft Windows File Server with OIR/STS
Software Description: 2013 Enterprise SharePoint, PDF documents
System Location: Microsoft File Server located at the State of TN Data Center
Backup Procedures: Nightly incremental back up, weekly full back up on Friday night, monthly backup on last Friday of the month. Magnetic tape and the tapes are stored off-site at Iron Mountain backup storage facility.
Disaster Recovery: If data becomes lost or corrupted, a RFS will be submitted to OIR/STS requesting a data restoration from the backup tapes containing the lost or corrupted data to it's original location on the file server.
Data Migration Description: All Microsoft Office and SQL database products allow for data files to be automatically upgraded to new version of software by opening and choosing to convert files on the first open with the new software versions.
Metadata Description: Date created, file name, and file type.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kathy Diane Jenkins
Job Title: Records Officer
Address 1: 312 Rosa L Parks Avenue
Address 2: TN Tower
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 615/532-1712
Agency: Dept. of Economic and Community Development
Agency Head: Randy Boyd
Director: Summer Carr
Allotment Code: 330.01
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 03-17-2016 RMD recommends change to cut off date to after bond period has been completed and closed out, please explain the file types under software description; several of these are not recommended for permanent retention-jpeg is a lossy file type, photos are not an adequate description, please provide appropriate metadata description, please explain data migration process for appropriate long term retention file types. Update 4/12/2016: Records Management met with agency to discuss this RDA. We have clarified that these records are reports of bonds issued by the federal government and they are not actual bonds. RMD has updated the RDA to reflect this and update the Electronic Records Plan Inventory.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 03-17-2016 TSLA concurs in RMD comments.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2016-03-21 Audit concurs with RMD comments.
Agency: 04-16-2016 Agency agrees with Records Management comments.
RMD Director Recomendations: 05-17-2016 RDA 11162 is a request for a new RDA. The records series will be retained permanently and the format will be electronic, stored on the State\\\'s SharePoint ECM system. Recommend approval of request to create RDA 11162.
Signed Form Received: 2016-05-17
PRC Meeting Date: 06-22-2016
PRC Comments: PRC approves RDA 11162
PRC Action: Approved
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
2104 11162 2016-06-22 Approved