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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 11172
Database ID: 2099
Record Series Title: TFACTS (Tennessee Family and Child Tracking System)
Record Series Abstract: Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS)that includes case management for Child Protective Services, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, Foster Homes, Adoptive Homes and Adoption Case Files. The TFACTS application houses electronic data related to the tracking and care of children in state custody, and those at jeopardy of being in state custody, along with supporting information about the social workers supporting those children. This data is contained in production Oracle databases.
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: Information will be cut off at case closure and retained in the TFACTS system.
Total Retention: 0 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Permanent
Disposition Notes: Records are generated and maintained electronically. Kept permanently in agency using State FILE/NET system.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 2101
Record Location: STS Data Center North and STS Data Center South
File Arrangement: Alphanumeric by Records ID, Document Type, File Ne
Media Format Generated: Electronic
Media Format Stored: Electronic: Text
Date Range: 2000-Present
Annual Accumulation: 62 GIGABYTES
Current Volume: 1 TERABYTE
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal, Legal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 999
Past Year: 999
2 - 5 Years: 999
Over 5 Years: 999
Data Update Frequency: Daily
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: Other states that conduct child abuse investigations may receive information from DCS in accordance with TCA 37-5-107. The Administration of Child and Families under the Department of Health and Human Services, would audit this system.
Essential Record: Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored: TFACTS resides on STS maintained servers as an electronic media. These servers are located at Data Center North and Data Center South. The information in TFACTS is essential to the resumption of operations for DCS.
Essential Record Media Type: Electronic
Confidential: Yes
Confidential Legal Citation: TCA37-2-408, TCA37-1-612, TCA 37-5-107, TCA 36-1-127
Media Recommendation: Current Format
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: 0
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period: 0
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Keep as Electronic
Legal Citation: TCA37-2-408, TCA37-1-612, 45 CFR PART 75.361, RPM 6.02, TCA 37-5-107, TCA 36-1-127, US CODE 42 CAPTA,
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: FileNet, Oracle DB, ISILON
IT-ABC Number: CS-101
Hardware Description: The TFACTS application is based on an N-tier architecture model that leverages the industry best-of-breed solutions while supporting the key principles of maximum re-use, rapid deployment, portability and scalability. The TFACTS production architecture leverages the use of enterprise network equipment (routing/switching/SSL/load balancing) as well as virtual (VMware) and physical servers to maintain optimal performance and scalability. There are four distinct logical tiers: Presentation, Application, Integration and Data. -The Presentation tier provides the interface to the end user, using a thin client (internet browser); validates user inputs; communicates with the server; and manages conversational state. This tier is virtual and configured as a cluster of Apache Web Server services. -The Application tier contains the business logic of the application, wherein Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) provide the J2EE server-side architecture for deploying design components. This tier is virtual and configured as a cluster of JBoss Application Servers, along with Microsoft Active Directory/ADAM servers for authentication. -The Integration tier enables seamless transmission of data using XML, JMS, and Web Services to integrate with internal/external systems. -The Data tier includes the Data Access and Data Storage layers. The Data Access layer is managed through the use of Container Managed Entity Beans. The Data Storage layer utilizes Oracle 10G Enterprise Edition with configured redundancy. This tier is physical and configured with a cluster of Oracle 10G database servers.
Software Description: Java based application that presents a web page to users. Oracle 12c is used for the database. Redhat Linux 6.6 is the operating system for the application servers with JBoss 6.4 as middleware. Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), Java 1.7, OptimalJ 4.3 (MDA tool), Struts, IIR Search Server, Crystal Reports 10,Microstrategy (data warehouse reporting tool), Oracle 12c.
System Location: Resides on servers that are maintained by State STS located at both Data Center North and Data Center South
Backup Procedures: STS conducts daily and weekly backups for servers located at Data Center North and Data Center South
Disaster Recovery: STS conducts disaster recovery. This procedure is a prioritized process of enabling critical and essential applications to be restored first and then continuing through priority list to less significant applications. STS designs and maintains plans for disaster recovery for both North and South Data Centers.
Data Migration Description: STS maintains data migration standards for all information stored in FileNet
Metadata Description: The TFACTS application houses electronic data related to the tracking and care of children in state custody, and those at jeopardy of being in state custody, along with supporting information about the social workers supporting those children. This data is contained in production Oracle databases. The types and formats of this data are numerous and varied. A spreadsheet listing all of the tables and columns can be provided upon request, but is too large for the scope of this document.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Charles William Brown
Job Title: ISM-1 Records Manager
Address 1: 500 James Robertson Parkway
Address 2: 2nd Floor
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 615-833-8917
Agency: Dept. of Children's Services
Agency Head: Commissioner Bonnie Hommrich
Director: Jerry L. Jones
Allotment Code: 359.10
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 05-26-2016 No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 05-26-2016 No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2016-05-26 We have reviewed RDA 11172 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency: 05-27-2016 No recommended changes
RMD Director Recomendations: 06-02-2016 RDA 11172 is a request for a new RDA. The retention period will be zero years and kept permanently in agency. The format will be electronic. Recommend approval of request to create RDA 11172.
Signed Form Received: 2016-06-02
PRC Meeting Date: 06-22-2016
PRC Comments: PRC approves RDA 11172
PRC Action: Approved
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
2099 11172 2016-06-22 Approved