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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 11024
Database ID: 1858
Record Series Title: Neighborhood Stabilization Program I (NSP1)
Record Series Abstract: Allocations, Applications and Requirements for emergency assistance under the Housing & Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Files are not inactive until Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sends close out instructions and we are awaiting that info. However, we are not generating new records for this program as deadline and contracts have ended.
Record Series Active: No
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: Program Closure
Total Retention: 5 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Destroy
Disposition Notes: Records will be maintained by agency for 5 years after cut off (program closure). Records may be kept in either paper or electronic format, or both with paper records stored at State Records Center. Any paper records converted to electronic format must be verified for content, accuracy and usability prior to destruction of paper record. Records will be destroyed at the end of retention period.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 1845
Record Location: 404 James Robertson Parkway, Parkway Towers, office and basement file room
File Arrangement: alpha, date
Media Format Generated: Both
Media Format Stored: Paper/Electronic
Date Range: 2008 - current
Annual Accumulation:
Current Volume: 30 cu ft/2 gigabytes
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal, Legal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 2
Past Year: 3
2 - 5 Years: 1
Over 5 Years: 0
Data Update Frequency:
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Essential Record: Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored: Paper - same location as above with electronic copy at back up center in Madison, TN
Essential Record Media Type: Electronic
Confidential: No
Confidential Legal Citation:
Media Recommendation:
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: 5 years or stored at records center
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive:
Records Center Retention Period: 5 years
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Destroy
Legal Citation: Title III of Division B of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 24 CFR part 85 (570.487 and 570.488)
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: THDA SharePoint
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description: THDA maintains its own separate LAN/WAN infrastructure on-site at Parkway Towers, the systems are installed there on Dell servers in a VMware virtual environment. All images reside on a SQL (structured query language) back-end with the database housed on a Storage Area Network, which is replicated in real-time to the agency's DR (disaster recovery) warm-site located at S8RA Field office in Madison, TN.
Software Description: Microsoft SharePoint platform using Knowledge Lake -a document imaging, document capture and workflow solution designed specifically for Microsoft SharePoint. These software systems extended the agency's existing SharePoint environment into a comprehensive ECM (enterprise content management) solution that have enabled THDA to streamline operations, maintain regulatory compliance, and move towards the ultimate goal of complete content management.
System Location: 404 James Robertson Parkway, Parkway Towers Nashville, TN and the Disaster Recovery warm-site located at our Section 8 Rental Assistance Field Office in Madison, TN.
Backup Procedures: THDA’s data protection routine consists of differential backups each Monday-Thursday, and full application and data backups performed each Friday. Two backup sets are created daily using the disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) methodology. The first backup set is stored on a SAS (serial attached scsi) direct-attached disk array (disk-to-disk) and the second is a duplication of the first set to a tape library equipped with dual LTO-5 (linear tape open) drives (disk-to-tape). The Information Technology department retains the disk-based copy for a period of one month, and the tapes are transported offsite daily by a third party, Iron Mountain. Additionally, THDA employs a one month tape rotation schedule to correspond with THDA’s business processes. An end-of-month full backup set is also archived at Iron Mountain facilities for a period of 12 months.
Disaster Recovery: THDA’s IT division employs a Certified Business Continuity Specialist who maintains and executes the agency’s Business Continuity Plan, which has been established and in place since 2008.
Data Migration Description: Overseen and conducted by THDA according to the agency's Business Continuity Plan.
Metadata Description: In SharePoint all index fields as well as division, program, and scan date, are identified by bar code in the scanning process, to effectively reduce the possibility of error. THDA captures metadata relative to an individual and/or business, i.e. SSN or Tax ID, as well as the month and date of the file relative to the business function. Additional index fields are sometimes defined and collected depending on business need or program specific information that the agency has determined is needed for accurate and timely document retrieval. IT ECM determined and designed the SharePoint taxonomy per division based on individual business processes and includes site collections, site columns, content types, and document libraries.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Debby C Beard
Job Title: Records Management Officer - Operations Support Tech
Address 1: 404 James Robertson Parkway
Address 2: Suite #1200
City: Nashville
Zip: 37219
Phone: 615-815-2062
Agency: TN Housing & Development Agency
Agency Head: Ralph Perrey
Allotment Code: 316.20
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 08-22-2013 Record Series Abstract does not provide description of documents in record series. It appears that program is no longer generating records, therefore, inactive. Disposition Notes do not describe record disposition. Media Formats are inconsistent. Please specify if records are paper, electronic, or both - and describe. Please spell out any acronyms.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 08-27-2013 TSLA concurs with RMD comments.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2013-09-10 We have reviewed RDA 11024 from an audit standpoint. We recommend changing retention period to 5 years.
Agency: 11-04-2013 Record Series Abstract: Allocations, Applications and Requirements for emergency assistance under the Housing & Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Files are not inactive until Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sends close out instructions and we are awaiting that info. However, we are not generating new records for this program as deadline and contracts have ended. We agree with 5 year retention. After closure records will be transfered to state storage. Destroy by state approved method.Media format stored: paper and electronic. Paper same as above, electronic at back up center in Madison,TN. NSP1=Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1; SQL=structured query language; DR=disaster Recovery; ECM=enterprise content management; SAS=serial attached scsi; LTO=linear tape open
RMD Director Recomendations: 11-04-2013 RDA 11024 is a request for a new RDA. Recommend approval with the following changes: Record Series Abstract: Allocations, Applications and Requirements for emergency assistance under the Housing & Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Files are not inactive until Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sends close out instructions and we are awaiting that info. However, we are not generating new records for this program as deadline and contracts have ended. Record Series Active: No Cut Off: Program Closure Total Retention: 5 years Disposition Notes: Records will be maintained by agency for 5 years after cut off (program closure). Records may be kept in either paper or electronic format, with paper records stored at State Records Center. Any paper records converted to electronic format must be verified for content, accuracy and usability prior to destruction of paper record. Records will be destroyed at the end of retention period. Media format generated: paper/electronic Media format stored: paper/electronic Annual accumulation: 5 cu ft/1 gigabyte Current accumulation: 30 cu ft/2 gigabytes Records Shared Outside of State: Yes, with Housing and Urban Development Essential record stored: paper-same location as above with electronic copy at back up center in Madison, TN Essential record media type: electronic Agency Retention: 5 years or store at State Records Center Records Center Retention: 5 years
Signed Form Received: 2013-11-04
PRC Meeting Date: 11-20-2013
PRC Comments: Approved with the following changes: Record Series Abstract: Allocations, Applications and Requirements for emergency assistance under the Housing & Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Files are not inactive until Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sends close out instructions and we are awaiting that info. However, we are not generating new records for this program as deadline and contracts have ended. Record Series Active: No Cut Off: Program Closure Total Retention: 5 years Disposition Notes: Records will be maintained by agency for 5 years after cut off (program closure). Records may be kept in either paper or electronic format, or both with paper records stored at State Records Center. Any paper records converted to electronic format must be verified for content, accuracy and usability prior to destruction of paper record. Records will be destroyed at the end of retention period. Media format generated: paper/electronic Media format stored: paper/electronic Annual accumulation: 5 cu ft/1 gigabyte Current accumulation: 30 cu ft/2 gigabytes Records Shared Outside of State: Yes, with Housing and Urban Development Essential record stored: paper-same location as above with electronic copy at back up center in Madison, TN Essential record media type: electronic Agency Retention: 5 years or store at State Records Center Records Center Retention: 5 years
PRC Action: Approved with Changes
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
1858 11024 2013-11-20 Approved with Changes