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Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Records Management Division
RDA Management System
RDA Details
RDA: 1586
Database ID: 310
Record Series Title: Job Services/Wagner-Peyser Program Records
Record Series Abstract: The record series includes any program files and forms that are consistent with the Wagner-Peyser Act as amended by Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act (WIOA) Law. This includes but is not limited to Alien Labor Certification (H2A, H2B, and PERM), Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration Evaluation (CSPED), Federal Bonding, Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker (MSFW), Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA/RESA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) (formerly Food Stamps), Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and Jobs for Veterans Act (VETS). Also includes participant and employers files in the American Job Centers (formerly Tennessee Career Centers) such as program forms/files, reports, policies/procedures, monitoring tools, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU's), manuals, plans, etc. Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) applications and files are also included in this series. Notice of Labor Dispute Form is also included in this series.
Record Series Active: Yes
Cut Off at End of: Other
If Other, Explain: Record is cut-off upon the completion of service rendered.
Total Retention: 5 Years 0 Months
Retention End Action: Destroy
Disposition Notes: Files are to be retained in agency five years. After three years the documents are to be transferred to jobs4TN or on the File Share program's network drive and stored by year. Records converted from paper to electronic will be verified for completeness and accuracy before destruction of the paper copy. Electronic record will be kept for remainder of five year retention period.
View Signed Form: Form Not Received
Worksheet ID: 310
Record Location: Various State Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Offices(TN American Job Centers across the state) and Central Office - 220 French Landing Drive 4B, Nashville, TN 37243
File Arrangement: All: Alpha, numeric, and other methods
Media Format Generated: Both
Media Format Stored: Paper/Electronic
Date Range: Current
Annual Accumulation: 500cu/10 GB
Current Volume: 2000cu/607.733 GB
Record Value: Administrative, Fiscal
Audit Requirements: Both
Reference Frequency:
Current Year per Month: 0
Past Year: 0
2 - 5 Years: 0
Over 5 Years: 0
Data Update Frequency: Daily
Information Shared Outside of State: Yes
If Shared, List Agencies: Federal Project Officers with the United States Department of Labor and United States Department of Agriculture
Essential Record: Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored: Record is stored on database with some accompanying program documentation located in the file rooms of the American Job Centers across the state.
Essential Record Media Type: Electronic
Confidential: FALSE
Confidential Legal Citation:
Media Recommendation: Current Format
Media Recommendation Other:
Agency Retention: 5 years
Agency Retention - Years Active:
Agency Retention - Years Inactive: N/A
Records Center Retention Period:
Final Disposition after Retention Expires: Keep as Electronic
Legal Citation: Wagner Peyser 20 CFR 652 WIOA - H.R. 803; Pub.L. 113–128 2CFR200.333
Record Sample: No Sample
Legal Documentation: No Legal Documentation
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name: WOTC/ag03sdcwf505 File Share
IT-ABC Number:
Hardware Description: WOTC: HP DL-360 (2-node Cluster; each server has 4 quad-core CPUs and 128G RAM) ag03sdcwf505 File Share: Virtual Server in OIR data center
Software Description: Oracle 11g (; Red Hat Linux RHEL 5.
System Location: OIR Data Center South (DC South)
Backup Procedures: Oracle RMAN backup job (weekly full backup, daily incremental backup; and archive logs periodically during the day)
Disaster Recovery: Oracle RMAN Restore/Recovery
Data Migration Description: N/A
Metadata Description: N/A
Contact Information
Contact Name: Lane Marks
Job Title: Special Projects Coordinator
Address 1: 220 French Landing Drive
Address 2:
City: Nashville
Zip: 37243
Phone: 615.532.0978
Agency: Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development
Agency Head: Burns Phillips
Director: Sterling van der Spuy
Allotment Code: 33710
Action Requested: New RDA
  Date Comments
Records Management Division (RMD): 02-11-2016 Recommend 5 year retention after cut off. Current disposition would result in a longer than 5 year retention. Please clarify retention and disposition. Missing reference frequency and sample. Please complete Electronic Records Plan Inventory.
Tennessee State Libary and Archives: 02-11-2016 TSLA concurs in RMD comments.
Comptroller Audit Review: 2016-02-11 We have reviewed RDA 1586 from an audit standpoint. We recommend changing retention period to 5 years.
Agency: 03-08-2016 The retention for the RDA 1586 is currently 3 years per federal guidelines. According to comment above, it states that we will be holding records for a longer time frame and we will not. Upon any changes to the state law, the agency will adhere to the 5 year retention as recommended.
RMD Director Recomendations: 04-15-2016 RDA 1586 is a request to revise an RDA. The agency is requesting the retention period change from zero years to three years. The format will change to paper/electronic. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires the records series be kept at least three years. The Comptroller is requiring the retention period be five years to encompass all the audit processes they conduct. Recommend approval of request to revise RDA 1586 with the following changes: Total Retention: five years Cut Off: Record is cut off upon the completion of service rendered. Disposition Notes: Files are to be retained in agency five years. After three years the documents are to be transferred to jobs4TN or on the File Share program network drive and stored by year. Records converted from paper to electronic will be verified for completeness and accuracy before destruction of the paper copy. Electronic record will be kept for remainder of five year retention period. Agency Retention: five years Data Migration and Meta Data Description: (Agency will provide to RMD for inclusion on worksheet).
Signed Form Received: 2016-03-17
PRC Meeting Date: 06-22-2016
PRC Comments: PRC approves RDA 1586 with the following changes: Total Retention: five years Cut Off: Record is cut off upon the completion of service rendered. Disposition Notes: Files are to be retained in agency five years. After three years the documents are to be transferred to jobs4TN or on the File Share program network drive and stored by year. Records converted from paper to electronic will be verified for completeness and accuracy before destruction of the paper copy. Electronic record will be kept for remainder of five year retention period. Agency Retention: five years Data Migration and Meta Data Description: (Agency will provide to RMD for inclusion on worksheet).
PRC Action: Approved with Changes
RDA History
ID RDA PRC Reviewed PRC Action
310 1586 2016-06-22 Approved with Changes