Name: | Miller, Brandy |
Oath: | View Oath |
Board: | Board of Dispensing Opticians |
Position ID: | 552 |
Vacancy Status: | Not Vacant |
Address 1: | 6829 Water Point Cove W |
Address 2: | |
City: | Memphis |
Zip: | 38141 |
County: | Shelby |
Phone | 901-369-9725 |
House District: | 84 |
Senate District: | 33 |
Race: | African American |
Sex: | F |
Term: | 4/1/2020 - 3/31/2024 *Member is required to serve until successor qualifies. |
Qualifications: | Resident of TN and practicing dispensing optician in TN for at least five years. May not be connected with any school of optometry, optometric school or in the optical or optometric department of any institution of learning, or the wholesale optical or optometric supply business. |
Appointed By: | Governor |