Name: | Hickie, Kathy |
Oath: | View Oath |
Board: | State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission |
Position ID: | 4030 |
Vacancy Status: | Not Vacant |
Address 1: | 728 Maryland Avenue |
Address 2: | |
City: | Bristol |
Zip: | 37620 |
County: | Sullivan |
Phone | 423-943-1326 |
House District: | 1 |
Senate District: | 4 |
Race: | Caucasian |
Sex: | F |
Term: | 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2027 *Member is required to serve until successor qualifies. |
Qualifications: | Teacher or instructional supervisor in the intermediate grades, grades four through eight (4-8), or a retired teacher or retired instructional supervisor who taught or supervised grades four through eight (4-8) |
Appointed By: | Senate Speaker |