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TN State Seal
Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Division of Publications
Board and Commission Vacancies
Board Details
Board Name: Community Resource Board
Board ID: 156
Address: 320 6th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: 615-215-2975
Board Contact: David Dodson or designee
Contact Phone: 629-204-0290
Appointing Authority: the TCRB, with approval of Commissioner [of Correction] and Chairman of the Board of Parole
TCA: 41-10-105
Duties: Promoting statewide recognition of volunteers in corrections; advising the department on public concerns; reviewing and making recommendations on volunteer programs; overseeing and coordinating the statewide network of volunteer boards.
Number of Members: 17
Compensation: Travel reimbursement only.
Appropriations: Allocations for staff liaison and administrative costs provided through budget of the Department of Correction/Board of Parole.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly meetings for two (2) to three (3) hours per meeting.
Hours Required: