Board Name: |
Registry of Election Finance |
Board ID: |
119 |
Address: |
404 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243 |
Phone: |
615-741-7959 |
Board Contact: |
Drew Rawlins |
Contact Phone: |
615-741-7959 |
Appointing Authority: |
Governor, Speaker of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives |
TCA: |
2-10-201 |
Duties: |
To administer and enforce the Campaign Financial Disclosure Law, Lobbyist Registration, and Disclosure Law and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Law. |
Number of Members: |
Compensation: |
Reimbursed for travel expenses only. |
Appropriations: |
Meeting Schedule: |
Second Wednesday of each month, for approximately three (3) hours per meeting. |
Hours Required: |