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10307 results   ||   Page 42 of 413
Surname First Name Description Year Written County Where Written City Where Written File Number Residency and other notes PDF Image
Bowers George Charged with being a Spy 1862 Jackson 2590 PDF image of file number 2590
Bowers Joseph B. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Bowers U. S. Christian[?] Commission 1863 Murfreesboro 4311 PDF image of file number 4311
Bowers I. G. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 wagonmaster PDF image of file number 8912
Bowles Colvin Prisoners sent to Alton Military Prison 1862 Bolivar 1760 PDF image of file number 1760
Bowles Calvin Arrested 1862 Bolivar 2303 PDF image of file number 2303
Bowles Calvin Arrested 1862 Bolivar 2436 PDF image of file number 2436
Bowling (Mr.) Tanning Business Sold 1863 Bolivar 3849 PDF image of file number 3849
Bowling G. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Bowling G. S. (Mr.) Plea to be released from debt 1864 Gallatin 7594 of Chattanooga PDF image of file number 7594
Bowling (Mrs.) Plea to be released from debt 1864 Gallatin 7594 PDF image of file number 7594
Bowls Sarah Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Bowls Colvin Order to move prisoners to Illinois 1863 Bolivar 5963 PDF image of file number 5963
Bowman N. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3497 PDF image of file number 3497
Bowman Joseph A. (Dr.) Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Bowman John Request for safe cotton storage 1863 Nashville 4757 requested by citizens of Stewart's Creek vicinity PDF image of file number 4757
Bowman William Citizen Prisoners held by Confederates 1863 Pocahantas 6455 residence: Claiborne County, TN PDF image of file number 6455
Box James A. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Jackson, Alabama PDF image of file number 8764
Boyce Isham Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boyd Robert W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Boyd Abe Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1862 3397 PDF image of file number 3397
Boyd Eliza Testimony 1863 Fort Donelson 4220 PDF image of file number 4220
Boyd Elisa Citizens to be brought in 1863 Fort Donelson 4221 PDF image of file number 4221
Boyd Ana Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Boyd Anna Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 & child PDF image of file number 4472
Boyd Robt. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Boyd Edward Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Boyd Chas. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Boyd J. T. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Boyd Coalman Failed to comply with Gen. Ord. No. 65 1863 Memphis 7265 PDF image of file number 7265
Boyd J. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Boyd J. H. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 PDF image of file number 8022
Boyd Calvin Amnesty Oaths 1864 8752 Monroe County PDF image of file number 8752
Boyd Calvin Amnesty Oaths 1864 8754 Monroe County PDF image of file number 8754
Boyd Emanuel J. Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Boyd Joel Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Boyd Isaac H. Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 9051 PDF image of file number 9051
Boyd Isaac H. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Boyd W. E. Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Boyed Archibald Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boyed Robert Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin W. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin J. B. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin W. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin John B. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin J. H. E. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin W. P. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Boykin J. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Boyle Thos. Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Boyle T. H. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Boylen Michael Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Boyles Robt. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Boyte R.C. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Bozwell John H. Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Braburn G. W. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Brace Pat Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Bracken Sahrie[?] Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 & child PDF image of file number 4472
Bracker Sohra Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Brackin B. P. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Brackin T. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Braco W. M. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Bracon Charles E. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 asst. storekeeper PDF image of file number 8912
Bradaway Jno. W. Citizens in Memphis military prison 1863 Memphis 5970 PDF image of file number 5970
Bradberry John (Sr.) Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bradburn W. A. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Bradbury John Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Wilson, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Bradford W. C. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Bradford Wm. Confiscated arms, canoe 1863 Paris Landing 4021 PDF image of file number 4021
Bradford A. H. Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Bradford H. S. Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Bradford James S. Home Guard Organization 1864 Bradley 8932 PDF image of file number 8932
Bradford Charles Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Bradford W. H. Good Citizens 1864 Nashville 9484 PDF image of file number 9484
Bradley Hugh Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Dixon Springs PDF image of file number 4286
Bradley James (Dr.) Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Dixon Springs PDF image of file number 4286
Bradley Irvine Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Bradsaw Daniel Prisoners 1863 Memphis 3564 PDF image of file number 3564
Brady Anderson Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Brady L. B. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 DeKalb, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Brady G. L. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Bramley John Levy Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Branch Louis Roll of Male Blacks Received from Gun Boat 1863 3669 Contraband PDF image of file number 3669
Branch Guerrillas, Murder, Horse-stealing 1863 Nashville 4270 Evidence in the cases of Felix Young, William Scruggs and others PDF image of file number 4270
Branch J. S. Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 9051 PDF image of file number 9051
Branch J. L. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Brand A. Mechants' request not to vacate stores 1863 Memphis 6382 PDF image of file number 6382
Brandenburg H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Brandon Wesley Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Brandon (Mr.) Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3773 PDF image of file number 3773
Brandon N. B. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Brandon Nathan Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Braner Louis Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Brannan Thos. P. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Branner Peter Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Branson William Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Brantly T. M. Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Brantly T. M. By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4894 PDF image of file number 4894
Brantly J. H. Persons sent north of Ohio River 1863 Nashville 4949 PDF image of file number 4949
Brason W. N. Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Brattan W. G. Reliable Men 1864 Nashville 9482 PDF image of file number 9482
Brawer Louis Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 9051 PDF image of file number 9051
Bray Elias Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Bray Elijah Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Bray Elijah Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Breathet Edward Transfer of Senate Building Race Track 1863 Memphis 7489 PDF image of file number 7489
Breen Ph. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Breen Wm. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Bremner William Statements re: smuggling of J. H. Whiteman 1863 Nashville 4273 PDF image of file number 4273
Brene Thomas Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Brentley James H. Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent North of the Ohio River PDF image of file number 4272
Brentley James H. Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Breuizer John Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Brewer Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 Reese & Brewer PDF image of file number 3502
Brewer Johnathan Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Brewer Nancy Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Brewer Marion Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Brice N. B. Robbert Complaint 1864 Knoxville 9085 PDF image of file number 9085
Brick Thomas Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 DeKalb, Alabama PDF image of file number 8764
Brickheiner Ph. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Bride Robert Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Bride Rob Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 PDF image of file number 4472
Bride Wm. J. M. Reports of Conduct 1864 Nashville 8750 PDF image of file number 8750
Bridges James G. Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Smith Co PDF image of file number 4286
Bridges Warren Property taken by bushwackers 1864 Bedford Shelbyville 7641 PDF image of file number 7641
Bridges John S. Prisoner transfers 1864 Chattanooga 7767 PDF image of file number 7767
Bridges Wm. P. Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Bridgewater Court Martial 1863 Memphis 3807 PDF image of file number 3807
Bridgewater Irvin Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Bridgewater Aaron Court rulings on murder charges 1863 Gallatin 6524 PDF image of file number 6524
Bridgier N. W. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Jackson, Alabama PDF image of file number 8764
Bridgnater Wm. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 PDF image of file number 8022
Bridgwater Jrim[?] Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 & wife PDF image of file number 4472
Bridgwater Wm. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Bridy T. Volunteers to aid sick and wounded 1863 Memphis 4744 PDF image of file number 4744
Brien M. M. Family slaves 1863 Nashville 4126 PDF image of file number 4126
Brien John S. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Brigance W. B. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brigdon G. M. Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Briggs W. T. Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Briggs W. B. (& wife) Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Briggs W. B. (Dr.) Paroling Federal Soldiers 1863 Nashville 4274 Case of Dr. W. B. Briggs & H. A. Parr on charges of paroling Fed. Soldiers PDF image of file number 4274
Briggs W. F. (Dr.) Paroling Federal Soldiers 1863 Nashville 4274 Case of Dr. W. B. Briggs & H. A. Parr on charges of paroling Fed. Soldiers PDF image of file number 4274
Briggs W. (Dr.) Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Briggs W. B. (Dr.) List of Military Prisoners 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Briggs W. T. (Dr.) Aiding Union Soldiers to Desert 1863 4418 PDF image of file number 4418
Briggs W. B. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 (& wife) To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Briggs W. F. (Dr.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4970 & wife PDF image of file number 4970
Briggs W. Y. Prisoners that have taken oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 5497 PDF image of file number 5497
Brigham Alfred W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Brigham J. W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Brigham F. W. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1862 Fort Henry 3395 PDF image of file number 3395
Brigham F. W. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3491 PDF image of file number 3491
Brigham W. H. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3492 PDF image of file number 3492
Brigham Alfred W. Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Bright David Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Bright David Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Briman W. E. List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Machinist
Brindley E. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3497 PDF image of file number 3497
Brinkley William Requests for exemption from Gen. Ord. No. 55 1863 Memphis 5079 PDF image of file number 5079
Brinkley R. C. Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Brinkly Ann C. Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Brinkly Hugh Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Brinkly Annie O. Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Brisko Daniel Roll of Male Blacks Received from Gun Boat 1863 3669 Contraband PDF image of file number 3669
Bristol John H. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Britton Adolphis Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Broans G. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Brock William Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 McMinn, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Brocker Jno. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6383 PDF image of file number 6383
Broderick Mike Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Brogden Charles Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Nancy Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Parthenia Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Gabriel Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Nancy Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Sarah Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Amanda Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brogden Asey Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Brognen James Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Brom W. S. Request for Passes 1864 Memphis 9591 PDF image of file number 9591
Bronson A. A.[?] Petition for release of convicted murderer 1863 Memphis 5701 PDF image of file number 5701
Brookes Mary Families Drawing Rations 1864 8707 Hamilton County, TN PDF image of file number 8707
Brooks B. F. C. Requesting Provost Guard 1862 Memphis 3004 PDF image of file number 3004
Brooks John Prominent wealthy secessionists 1863 Lexington 4078 Preacher PDF image of file number 4078
Brooks Jordon Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Brooks Jordan Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 & wife PDF image of file number 4472
Brooks Christopher Citizens Living Within or Near Lines of My Co 1863 Murfreesboro 4481 Camp Schaefer PDF image of file number 4481
Brooks J. M. Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Brooks Joseph Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brooks S. R. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brooks Benjamin S. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brooks J. J. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brooks (Mrs.) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Brooks Mechants' request not to vacate stores 1863 Memphis 6382 Brooks & Ruby PDF image of file number 6382
Brooks George K. Petition for preachers' exemption from Gen. O 1863 Memphis 6713 PDF image of file number 6713
Brooks Wm. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 "colored" PDF image of file number 7756
Brooks James Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Brooks A. T. Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 Bradley County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Broom Thomas Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Broom W. S. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Brooms Henry M. Persons Engaged in Distilling 1864 8471 PDF image of file number 8471
Brosman Court Martial 1863 Memphis 3807 PDF image of file number 3807
Brotherton William Guerrillas Lynchburg 4214 PDF image of file number 4214
Brown Henry Arrests 1862 Jackson 1617 PDF image of file number 1617
Brown John Bonds 1862 Stewart 1704 PDF image of file number 1704
Brown John Bonds 1862 Stewart 1705 PDF image of file number 1705
Brown William Arrests 1862 Bethel 1752 PDF image of file number 1752
Brown William Prisoners to be sent to Alton Military Prison 1862 Jackson 1754 PDF image of file number 1754
Brown William Prisoners sent to Alton Military Prison 1862 Jackson 1761 PDF image of file number 1761
Brown William Prisoners sent to Alton Military Prison 1862 Jackson 1790 PDF image of file number 1790
Brown A. T. Military Prisoners 1862 Jackson 2320 PDF image of file number 2320
Brown Henry Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Brown Gordon Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Brown William Prisoners 1862 Bethel 2960 Graves Co, KY PDF image of file number 2960
Brown Calvin Pass 1862 Paris 3087 PDF image of file number 3087
Brown Neal S. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Brown Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1862 3397 Brown & Aaron PDF image of file number 3397
Brown J. S. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3497 PDF image of file number 3497
Brown J. N. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3499 PDF image of file number 3499
Brown J. S. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Brown James Roll of Male Blacks Received from Gun Boat 1863 3669 Contraband PDF image of file number 3669
Brown Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Brown (Mr.) Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Brown Mat Family slaves 1863 Nashville 4126 PDF image of file number 4126
Brown Mary R. (Mrs.) Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Brown R. W. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Brown T. J. Paroling Federal Soldiers 1863 Nashville 4274 Case of Dr. W. B. Briggs & H. A. Parr on charges of paroling Fed. Soldiers PDF image of file number 4274
Brown Sam Y. Smuggling and other offenses 1863 Nashville 4275 Evidence in the case of Dr. J. R. Hudson PDF image of file number 4275
Brown Milton Assessment of Property 1863 Jackson 4487 Assessment of secessionists to pay for support of Union refugees PDF image of file number 4487
Brown (Mrs.)[?] Request to purchase timber 1863 Nashville 4636 PDF image of file number 4636
Brown William H. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown James Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown J. L. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown Adam Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown Milton Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown Harvey Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown Milton (Sr.) Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Brown Robert Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Brown John L. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 [left column continued] PDF image of file number 4675
Brown Frank Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Brown M. Prisoners to be transferred to Alton, IL 1863 Murfreesboro 5201 PDF image of file number 5201
Brown J. H. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Brown Edward Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Brown Thos. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 (col.) PDF image of file number 5855
Brown C. Report of disbursements to officers and staff 1863 Memphis Memph 6162 PDF image of file number 6162
Brown John Raids on citizens 1863 Fayette Macon 6843 PDF image of file number 6843
Brown "Dick"[sic] Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6875 colored PDF image of file number 6875
Brown W. C. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Brown C. B. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Brown R. B. Disputed promissory note 1863 Memphis 6970 PDF image of file number 6970
Brown David P. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Brown (Widow) Report of guerilla activity 1863 Tullahoma 7228 PDF image of file number 7228
Brown C. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 PDF image of file number 7756
Brown Tom Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 "colored" PDF image of file number 8003
Brown Wm. B. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 PDF image of file number 8003
Brown Tom Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 Colored PDF image of file number 8021
Brown John Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 Robbery PDF image of file number 8021
Brown William B. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 PDF image of file number 8021
Brown Garp M. List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Painter
Brown George T. List of Army Followers 1864 Clarksville 8398 Clerk PDF image of file number 8398
Brown H. N. Passes 1864 Memphis 8501 PDF image of file number 8501
Brown William S. Men Employed on U.S. Military Railroad 1864 Memphis 8502 PDF image of file number 8502
Brown Geo. Weekly report of "negro" prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8576 PDF image of file number 8576
Brown Lothie Families Drawing Rations 1864 8707 Sequatchie County, TN PDF image of file number 8707
Brown Peter Report of Misconduct 1864 Loddy 8738 PDF image of file number 8738
Brown Calvin Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Brown John Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Brown A. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Brown Joseph Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Brown R. S. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Brown George Negro Prisoners 1864 Pulaski 9385 PDF image of file number 9385
Brown George Negroes confined in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9386 PDF image of file number 9386
Brown George Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9388 PDF image of file number 9388
Brown George Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Brown David L. Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Brown Adam Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Brown G. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Browner[?] W. M. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Browning B. B. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Brownlow T. G. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 clerk to bridge builder PDF image of file number 8912
Browns G. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Browns Andrew Letter regarding Union sentiments of various 1863 Columbia 6834 1/2
Bruce J. F. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Bruce Lizzie B. Wives of Notorious Rebels 1863 Murfreesboro 3889 PDF image of file number 3889
Bruce James R. (& wif Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Bruce Certificate of deposit received 1863 Murfreesboro 4335 PDF image of file number 4335
Bruce James R. List of Military Prisoners 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Bruce Jas. R. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 (& wife) To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Brumer W. A. Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Brumley John Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Brumley Jason Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Brumman[?] C. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Brummer W. A. Assessments 1863 Bethel 3811 PDF image of file number 3811
Brummer W. A. Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Brunner W. A. Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Brunson David Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Bruton William Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Bryan William P. Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Bryan William P. Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Bryan J. A. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bryan J. T. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bryan Wm. P. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Bryan (Mrs.) Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Bryan William P. Persons sent outside of lines 1863 Nashville 4838 PDF image of file number 4838
Bryan Edward List of prisoners 1863 Carthage 6156 PDF image of file number 6156
Bryant Patrick Smuggling and other offenses 1863 Nashville 4275 Evidence in the case of Dr. J. R. Hudson PDF image of file number 4275
Bryant Burrill Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Bryant Dock Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Bryant C. D. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Bryant John Petition to bear arms and evidence in case 1864 Hardeman Pocahantas 7763 PDF image of file number 7763
Bryant W. H. Petition to bear arms and evidence in case 1864 Hardeman Pocahantas 7763 PDF image of file number 7763
Bryant J. E. Petition to bear arms and evidence in case 1864 Hardeman Pocahantas 7763 PDF image of file number 7763
Bryd D. E. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Buchanan Jessee Charges Made Out Against 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Buchanan J. E. List of Prisoners 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Buchanan Thomas (Dr.) Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Buchanan Robert Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Buchanan Martin Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Buchanan C. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Buchanan Selina J. (Mrs. Prisoners 1863 Franklin 4452 PDF image of file number 4452
Buchanan T. N. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Buchanan T. W. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Buchanan Bruce By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent North of the Ohio River PDF image of file number 4789
Buchanan Thos. (Dr.) By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Buchanan (Dr.) & (Mrs.) Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Buchanan Thomas (Dr.) Persons sent outside of lines 1863 Nashville 4838 PDF image of file number 4838
Buchanan A. H. (Dr.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4894 & wife PDF image of file number 4894
Buchanan Wm. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Buchanan Bernard List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Mechanic
Buchanan Hercules Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Buchanar[?] John List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Barber
Buchannan D. Thomas Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Buchner E. G. Oaths of Allegiance 1862 1087 PDF image of file number 1087
Buck L. J. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 [right column continued] PDF image of file number 4675
Buck Chs. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Bucker W. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Buckhard P. H. Prisoners to be transferred to Alton, IL 1863 Murfreesboro 5201 PDF image of file number 5201
Buckingham John Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 Stewart Co PDF image of file number 2934
Buckingham John G. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Buckingham G. L. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Buckingham William G. L. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Buckley Nat. Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Buckley Nat Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Buckley Pat[?] Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5210 PDF image of file number 5210
Buckley Hiram Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Buckley Michael Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Buckly Nathan T. Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Buckner Bruce Persons sent north of Ohio River 1863 Nashville 4949 PDF image of file number 4949
Buda W. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Bufford G. W. Testimony 1863 Fort Donelson 4220 PDF image of file number 4220
Bufford George Citizens to be brought in 1863 Fort Donelson 4221 PDF image of file number 4221
Buford J. P. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Buford (Gen.) Papers Pertaining to Smizer and Morse 1864 Memphis 8958 PDF image of file number 8958
Bugg John L. Bond 1862 Gallatin 2938 Charged with disloyal acts against the Unitied States PDF image of file number 2938
Bugg Willis Contrabands 1863 Gallatin 4642 PDF image of file number 4642
Bullard John D. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Bullen Robert Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Sarah A. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Martha M. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Cornelia Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Caladonia M. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Orlando L. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Robert F. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen Rachel J. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen William A. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullen John A. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Mississippi PDF image of file number 4304
Bullock James W. Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock Susan Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock Sallie Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock N. D. Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock David P. Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock Alice W. Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock Pattie W. Request to take oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 4640 Citizens of Sumner County PDF image of file number 4640
Bullock Petition 1864 Memphis 9590 attorney PDF image of file number 9590
Bumpass Jesse. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bumpass A. A. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bumpass A. R. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Bunch Hamilton Affidavit of Abuse 1864 Knox County 9170 PDF image of file number 9170
Bunch[?] Nancy Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 PDF image of file number 4472
Bunizer John Men Employed on U.S. Military Railroad 1864 Memphis 8502 PDF image of file number 8502
Bunk John Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 PDF image of file number 8003
Bunnan John Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Bunting Thomas Prisoners Gallatin 4217 PDF image of file number 4217
Buntley Jas. H. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent North of the Ohio River PDF image of file number 4789
Bunton (Mr.) Statement 1864 Nashville 8165 PDF image of file number 8165
Burchan Cullin Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Burchfield C. Oaths of Allegiance 1862 1087 PDF image of file number 1087
Burdean J. Steamer Rowena 1863 Island No. 10 3805 PDF image of file number 3805
Burdim O. B. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6875 PDF image of file number 6875
Burditt Request refund of money taken by guerilla cap 1863 Memphis 6388 Burditt, A.P. & Co. PDF image of file number 6388
Burford David Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Dixon Springs PDF image of file number 4286
Burger Leo Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Burgess Tilda Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Burgess John H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Burgess E. J. List of prisoners 1864 Nashville 7640 PDF image of file number 7640
Burk Arla Orders to leave the premises 1863 Fort Donelson 4957 PDF image of file number 4957
Burk Polly Orders to leave the premises 1863 Fort Donelson 4957 PDF image of file number 4957
Burk John Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 PDF image of file number 8021
Burke James Men Employed on U.S. Military Railroad 1864 Memphis 8502 PDF image of file number 8502
Burke Amy Families Drawing Rations 1864 8707 Hamilton County, TN PDF image of file number 8707
Burke James Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Burkes Hanna Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Burkett[?] Edward Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Burkhead Eleazir Military Prisoners 1862 Jackson 1567 PDF image of file number 1567
Burkley James Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Burkley Phineas Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Burks W. P. Papers Pertaining to Smizer and Morse 1864 Memphis 8958 PDF image of file number 8958
Burls Wm. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Laborer PDF image of file number 8912
Burmingham D. J. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Burmingham J. W. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Burnet E. S. (Mrs.) Wives of Notorious Rebels 1863 Murfreesboro 3889 PDF image of file number 3889
Burnett Certificate of deposit received 1863 Murfreesboro 4335 PDF image of file number 4335
Burnett (Mrs.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4948 & 2 children PDF image of file number 4948
Burnett J. C. (Sr.) Violation of Oath 1864 Cleveland 9299 PDF image of file number 9299
Burnpus M. E. (Miss) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Burns J. H. Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Burns (Dr.) Smuggling 1863 Nashville 4271 Evidence in the cases of James Peacock and R. L. Bingham PDF image of file number 4271
Burns Martha Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Burns Martha Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 PDF image of file number 4472
Burns (Mrs.) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Burns Fannie (Miss) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Burns Thos. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Burns Julia (Mrs.) Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6383 PDF image of file number 6383
Burns Mike Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Burns Geo. W. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 Guerrilla PDF image of file number 8022
Burns John List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Undertaker
Burns John Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Burr James Ela Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Burr Jas. Ela Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 PDF image of file number 4472
Burr (Mr.) Testimony in support of exemption from Gen. O 1863 Memphis 5207 PDF image of file number 5207
Burr (Mrs.) Testimony in support of exemption from Gen. O 1863 Memphis 5207 PDF image of file number 5207
Burrat[?] J. H. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Burrell Nathan List of free blacks employed by army unit 1863 Pelham 6055 PDF image of file number 6055
Burrell Oscar Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Burroughs Charles J. Statements re: smuggling of J. H. Whiteman 1863 Nashville 4273 PDF image of file number 4273
Burroughs (Mrs.) Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 & family PDF image of file number 4837
Burrow John Contrabands 1863 Gallatin 4642 PDF image of file number 4642
Burrows Guerrilla Bands 1862 Bolivar 3290 Burrows guerrilla band PDF image of file number 3290
Burrows E. (Mrs.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 5009 & 3 children PDF image of file number 5009
Burrus Solomon Aiding Union Soldiers to Desert 1863 Jackson 3206 PDF image of file number 3206
Burton T. J. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3089 PDF image of file number 3089
Burton M. G. List of Bonds 1863 Trenton 4076 Dyersburg, TN PDF image of file number 4076
Burton Rebel sympathizers 1863 Murfreesboro 4634 PDF image of file number 4634
Burton Albert Contrabands 1863 Gallatin 4642 PDF image of file number 4642
Burton Thomas Transfer of Colored Prisoners 1864 Fort Pickering 8025 PDF image of file number 8025
Burt[?] Theodore Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Burus Geo. W. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Bush Daniel Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 Stewart Co PDF image of file number 2934
Bush Daniel Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Bust (Mr.) Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Buston Samuel Citizens in Memphis military prison 1863 Memphis 5970 PDF image of file number 5970
Buthom E. V. Smuggling and other offenses 1863 Nashville 4275 Evidence in the case of Dr. J. R. Hudson PDF image of file number 4275
Butler Delia (Mrs.) Applications for horses and mules 1863 Henry 3611 PDF image of file number 3611
Butler Green List of Bonds 1863 Trenton 4076 Gibson Co PDF image of file number 4076
Butler Thomas Citizens Living Within or Near Lines of My Co 1863 Murfreesboro 4481 Camp Schaefer PDF image of file number 4481
Butler William P. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Butler James Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Butler David Amnesty Oaths 1864 8752 Washington County PDF image of file number 8752
Butler David Amnesty Oaths 1864 8754 Washington County PDF image of file number 8754
Butler James Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Butler James Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Butler Rode Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Butram[?] S. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Butram[?] W. A. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Butt W. A. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Butt W. H. (Jr.) Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Butter William E. Assessment of Property 1863 Jackson 4487 Assessment of secessionists to pay for support of Union refugees PDF image of file number 4487
Butter William P. Assessment of Property 1863 Jackson 4487 Assessment of secessionists to pay for support of Union refugees PDF image of file number 4487
Butter Henry Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Butter James Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 Stealing Cotton PDF image of file number 8022
Buttinbury[?] Henry Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Bybee Pleasant Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Byerley I. H. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Byram James T. Persons Engaged in Distilling 1864 8471 PDF image of file number 8471
Byrd Doglas Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Byrd Douglas By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Byrd William C. Request refund of money taken by guerilla cap 1863 Memphis 6388 PDF image of file number 6388
Byrne (Capt.) (Mrs.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4948 PDF image of file number 4948
Byrns Dan Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 8494 PDF image of file number 8494
Byrns Dan Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8575 PDF image of file number 8575
Byron Sarah Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Byron Thomas Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Byron Nancy Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Byron Louis Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Byron (Miss) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Byrum John Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cabas Jno. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 PDF image of file number 8003
Cabb Billy Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Cabler M. H. Petition for tax break for merchants 1863 LaGrange 5964 PDF image of file number 5964
Cabus John Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 Smuggler PDF image of file number 8021
Caddock Thos. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8575 PDF image of file number 8575
Cadin A. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6875 PDF image of file number 6875
Cadwallader S. Reports of Conduct 1864 Nashville 8750 PDF image of file number 8750
Caffey John D. Request to Travel 1863 Jackson 4489 Request to travel from Henderson County, TN to Paducah, KY PDF image of file number 4489
Cahill Garrett Prisoner Release 1864 Nashville 8922 PDF image of file number 8922
Cain Andrew Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Caison Mary F. Families Drawing Rations 1864 8707 Walker County, GA PDF image of file number 8707
Caison Mary Families Drawing Rations 1864 8707 Walker County, GA PDF image of file number 8707
Calby Report of Monies Received 1863 Jackson 4490 PDF image of file number 4490
Calby Report of Monies Received 1863 Jackson 4490 PDF image of file number 4490
Caldewey August List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Clerk
Caldwell William Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Caldwell William R. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Caldwell William R. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Caldwell John Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Caldwell Douglass Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Caldwell Prisoner Release 1864 Knoxville 8488 PDF image of file number 8488
Caldwell J. C. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8752 Simpson County, Kentucky PDF image of file number 8752
Caldwell J. C. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8754 Simpson County, Kentucky PDF image of file number 8754
Caldwell J Charged with smuggling 1864 Memphis 9267 PDF image of file number 9267
Calgy William Bond 1862 Gallatin 2935 Charged with disloyal acts against the Unitied States PDF image of file number 2935
Calgy William Bond 1862 Gallatin 2936 Charged with disloyal acts against the Unitied States
Calhoun D. B. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Calhoun John Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Calhoun William H. Arrests 1863 Nashville 3723 PDF image of file number 3723
Callahan Permission for shipment 1864 Nashville 7597 PDF image of file number 7597
Callahan Pat Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Calligan Thomas Bond and Oath of Allegiance 1862 Jackson 1807 PDF image of file number 1807
Calloway R. J. F. Home Guard Organization 1864 Bradley 8932 PDF image of file number 8932
Calvert R. W. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Calvert J. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Cameron F. A. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 chief blacksmith PDF image of file number 8912
Cammutt John Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Hewing wood PDF image of file number 8912
Camm[?] C. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Camp Thomas Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Camp Anthony (Mrs.) Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Camp Anthony (Mrs.) List of Military Prisoners 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Camp Anthony (Mrs.) By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Campbell Joseph Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Stewart Co, TN PDF image of file number 3044
Campbell James Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Campbell Spare the Property of Maj. Lewis 1862 Nashville 3282 PDF image of file number 3282
Campbell Edmund Testimony 1863 Fort Donelson 4220 PDF image of file number 4220
Campbell James Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Campbell Jack Ownership of a Horse 1863 Stewart Cumberland Cit 4426 PDF image of file number 4426
Campbell Jack Claim for stolen property 1863 Fort Donelson 4453 PDF image of file number 4453
Campbell J. W. Assessment of Property 1863 Jackson 4487 Assessment of secessionists to pay for support of Union refugees PDF image of file number 4487
Campbell J. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Campbell A. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Campbell A. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Campbell (Mrs.) Orders to leave the premises 1863 Fort Donelson 4957 PDF image of file number 4957
Campbell John Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5210 PDF image of file number 5210
Campbell Frank Citizens in Memphis military prison 1863 Memphis 5970 PDF image of file number 5970
Campbell Green Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Campbell Goods received 1864 Vale Mills 7789 PDF image of file number 7789
Campbell Thomas Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Campbell William Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Campbell Richard Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Campbell James Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Campbell Jackson Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Campbell P. R. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Jackson, Alabama PDF image of file number 8764
Campbell Joseph Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Campbell Wm. I. Home Guard Organization 1864 Bradley 8932 PDF image of file number 8932
Campbell Nannil Property dispute 1864 Nashville 8984 PDF image of file number 8984
Campbell Thomas Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Canada Wm. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Canada H. M. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Canada Thomas Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Canady John Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Hewing wood PDF image of file number 8912
Canby Hugh[?] Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5210 PDF image of file number 5210
Canley P. M. Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Cann (Mr.) Smugglers arrested on train 1863 Grand Junction 6418 PDF image of file number 6418
Cannon Alanson Transport of Cotton 1863 Nashville 3453 PDF image of file number 3453
Cannon A. O. Confiscated gold 1863 Memphis 4469 PDF image of file number 4469
Cannon Wm. W. List of prisoners 1863 Carthage 6156 PDF image of file number 6156
Cannon Alex Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 "colored" PDF image of file number 7756
Cannon E. A. Permission to Carry Arms 1864 Memphis 8289 PDF image of file number 8289
Cannovan John Failed to comply with Gen. Ord. No. 65 1863 Memphis 7265 PDF image of file number 7265
Cansada James M. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Cansada Samuel Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Cantrell Cook Statements re: smuggling of J. H. Whiteman 1863 Nashville 4273 PDF image of file number 4273
Cantrell Isaac Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Margaret S. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell W. J. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Reuben Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Sarah Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Caroline Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Aaron J. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Martha Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Martha J. Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Emily Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Julia Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Macrea Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Daniel Union Refugees at House of Refuge 1863 Jackson 4304 From: Alabama PDF image of file number 4304
Cantrell Thomas Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Lucinda Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Adeline Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Clementine Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Steven L. Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Sarah Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Thomas Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Mary E. Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Elizabeth Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell William Tri-monthly report 1863 Jackson 4673 Union refugees, from Alabama PDF image of file number 4673
Cantrell Paris Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Carathan John L. Arrests 1863 Bethel 3813 PDF image of file number 3813
Caraway W. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Caraway W. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Caraway (Mrs.) Confiscated Property 1864 Memphis 9501 PDF image of file number 9501
Cardwell Thomas T. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cardwell G. H. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Carey J. K. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Carl Geo. A. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6383 PDF image of file number 6383
Carle Albert G. List of Army Followers 1864 Chattanooga 8290 Farmer
Carle L. E. Papers Pertaining to Smizer and Morse 1864 Memphis 8958 PDF image of file number 8958
Carleton G. H. Bonds for Steamer "Lillie Martin" 1863 Memphis 7207 Surveyor of Customs PDF image of file number 7207
Carleton G. W. Papers Pertaining to Smizer and Morse 1864 Memphis 8958 PDF image of file number 8958
Carlfoot[?] H. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Carlin J. M. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 Guerrilla PDF image of file number 8022
Carlisle F. Y. Lawyer stating claim to property 1863 Memphis 5083 PDF image of file number 5083
Carlisle John H. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Murfreesboro 5493 PDF image of file number 5493
Carlisle John Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8575 PDF image of file number 8575
Carloss C. D. List of prisoners 1864 Nashville 7640 PDF image of file number 7640
Carmell[?] A. J. Raids on citizens 1863 Fayette Macon 6843 PDF image of file number 6843
Carmine Mark[?] Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Carnes (Dr.) Rebel citizens 1863 Murfreesboro 3890 PDF image of file number 3890
Carney Elijah D. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Carney John Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Caro Simon Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5210 PDF image of file number 5210
Caroll W. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Carothers J. W. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Carpenter O. E. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Carpenter C. B. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Carpenter M. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Carpenter Micheal Prisoner Transfer 1864 Columbia 9457 PDF image of file number 9457
Carr W. A. Prisoners to be Released 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Carr W .A. List of Prisoners 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Carr Andrew J. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Carr William Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Carr Joseph M. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 of Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3091
Carr Christopher Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 of Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3091
Carr James Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 of Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3091
Carr David Robbery 1863 Gallatin 4427 PDF image of file number 4427
Carr John Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Carr A. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Carr A. Request their release from prison 1863 Memphis 5703 [from firm of Carr. & Grahm, grocery merchants] PDF image of file number 5703
Carr S. G. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 PDF image of file number 8003
Carr S. G. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 PDF image of file number 8021
Carr S. G. Cotton Consigned 1864 Memphis 8256 PDF image of file number 8256
Carr R. List of citizen prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8655 PDF image of file number 8655
Carr R. Weekly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8656 PDF image of file number 8656
Carr R. Citizen Prisoners 1864 Giles Pulaski 9202 PDF image of file number 9202
Carr Wilson Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Carr R. Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9387 PDF image of file number 9387
Carr R. Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9388 PDF image of file number 9388
Carr R. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Carrel John Evidence 1864 Clinton 8900 PDF image of file number 8900
Carrick S. P. Seizure of Shoes 1862 Nashville 1992 PDF image of file number 1992
Carrigan Mike Men Employed on U.S. Military Railroad 1864 Memphis 8502 PDF image of file number 8502
Carrigan M. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Carroll (Mrs.) Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Carroll E. (Mrs.) Persons sent outside of lines 1863 Nashville 4843 PDF image of file number 4843
Carroll Wm. Deserters 1863 Nashville 6972 PDF image of file number 6972
Carruthers J. Slaught Parole of honor 1863 Memphis 6829 PDF image of file number 6829
Carry M. J. Passes to see prisoners 1864 Nashville 7631 PDF image of file number 7631
Carsey James Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Carsey[?] W. C. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Carter Henry C. Bond 1862 Gallatin 2940 Charged with disloyal acts against the Unitied States PDF image of file number 2940
Carter B. N. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Carter (Mrs.) Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Carter L. S. Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Mississippi PDF image of file number 4485
Carter Margaret Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Mississippi PDF image of file number 4485
Carter Sarah Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Mississippi PDF image of file number 4485
Carter Malinda Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Mississippi PDF image of file number 4485
Carter Lucinda Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Mississippi PDF image of file number 4485
Carter J. J. Report of Monies Received 1863 Jackson 4490 PDF image of file number 4490
Carter J. J. Report of Monies Received 1863 Jackson 4490 PDF image of file number 4490
Carter William Y. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Carter Stephen Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Carter John F. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Carter (Mrs.) Orders to leave the premises 1863 Fort Donelson 4957 PDF image of file number 4957
Carter Mary Orders to leave the premises 1863 Fort Donelson 4957 PDF image of file number 4957
Carter George W. Citizen Prisoners held by Confederates 1863 Pocahantas 6455 residence: Greene County, TN PDF image of file number 6455
Carter J. A.[?] Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Carter James Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Carter Johannah Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Carter B. N. Loyal citizens 1863 Fort Donelson 7561 PDF image of file number 7561
Carter W. W. Complaints against rebel guerillas 1864 Nashville 7600 PDF image of file number 7600
Carter Lewis L. Compensation for stolen property 1863 Chattanooga 7610 PDF image of file number 7610
Carter N. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 PDF image of file number 7756
Carter Goods received 1864 Vale Mills 7789 PDF image of file number 7789
Carter James Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 alias McArthur PDF image of file number 8003
Carter James Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 alias-McArthur, Suspicious Character PDF image of file number 8021
Carter S. P. (Mr.) Request 1864 Knoxville 8269 PDF image of file number 8269
Carter Wm. Protection Papers Request 1864 Nashville 9456 PDF image of file number 9456
Carter Ben Petition 1864 Pulaski 9582 PDF image of file number 9582
Carter W. C. Petition 1864 Pulaski 9582 PDF image of file number 9582
Carthur[?] W. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Carthy Charles M. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cartinder[?] H. S. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Cartmell Martin Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cartmell R. N. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 name marked through PDF image of file number 4672
Cartter M. S. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 supt. Bridges PDF image of file number 8912
Cartter H. B. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 asst. bridges PDF image of file number 8912
Cartwright Jno. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Cartwright N. R. Raids on citizens 1863 Fayette Macon 6843 PDF image of file number 6843
Cartwright J. N. Plea to be released from debt 1864 Gallatin 7594 PDF image of file number 7594
Cartwright W. J. Complaints against rebel guerillas 1864 Nashville 7600 PDF image of file number 7600
Caruthers Robert Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Caruthers Robert Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Caruthers (Mr.) Letter of Character 1864 Nashville 8408 PDF image of file number 8408
Carver Thomas Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Carver Camel Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Carver George Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Case Thomas L. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Casey W. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Casey Guerrillas, Murder, Horse-stealing 1863 Nashville 4270 Evidence in the cases of Felix Young, William Scruggs and others PDF image of file number 4270
Casey Sam Statements re: smuggling of J. H. Whiteman 1863 Nashville 4273 PDF image of file number 4273
Cash F. M. Seizure of gold from bank 1863 Memphis 7266 PDF image of file number 7266
Cash Paul Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 PDF image of file number 7756
Caslisle John Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 8494 PDF image of file number 8494
Cass Thos. L. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 Shooting a Soldier PDF image of file number 8022
Cass Robert Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Cassady John Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Cassitt Petition for tax break for merchants 1863 LaGrange 5964 & Co PDF image of file number 5964
Castello Jas. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 PDF image of file number 7756
Castleberry Franklin Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Castlemen Franklin Good Citizens 1864 Nashville 9484 PDF image of file number 9484
Castles Thos. Raids on citizens 1863 Fayette Macon 6843 PDF image of file number 6843
Castner[?] M. H.[?] Request to restart civil proceedings 1863 Nashville 7100 PDF image of file number 7100
Cate W. H. By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 5515 & wife PDF image of file number 5515
Cate T. L. Home Guard Organization 1864 Bradley 8932 PDF image of file number 8932
Cates Wm. L. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Cather[?] John Conduct of freed slaves 1864 Pleasant Grove 7603 PDF image of file number 7603
Cathey Martin Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cathey E. E. (Mrs.) Cotton Consigned 1864 Memphis 8256 PDF image of file number 8256
Cathran Frank Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Cathran James Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Cato George W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Caton Thomas Citizen Prisoners held by Confederates 1863 Pocahantas 6455 residence: Cocke County, TN PDF image of file number 6455
Catron George Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Rome PDF image of file number 4286
Causedim[?] Mort. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6875 PDF image of file number 6875
Causey William Military commission 1864 Memphis 8018 PDF image of file number 8018
Cawley Mary A. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennesse PDF image of file number 8764
Cawthon John L. Loyal citizens 1863 Bethel 4072 PDF image of file number 4072
Cawthon John L. Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Cawthon Frank Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Cawthon James Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Cawthon John S. Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Cawthon James Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Cawthon S. F. Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Cayce Wm. H. Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Celon Mary (Miss) Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 9051 PDF image of file number 9051
Celon E. (Mrs.) Citizen Prisoners 1864 Memphis 9051 PDF image of file number 9051
Celon Mary (Miss) Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Celon E. (Mrs.) Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Chadwell Thomas Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Chadwick John H. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Chadwick Matt M. Citizen kidnapped 1863 Stewart 4222 PDF image of file number 4222
Chadwill J. P. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Chafin Birney Letter regarding Union sentiments of various 1863 Columbia 6834 1/2
Chafin J. C. Letter regarding Union sentiments of various 1863 Columbia 6834 1/2
Chalmers Robert Guerrillas, Murder, Horse-stealing 1863 Nashville 4270 Evidence in the cases of Felix Young, William Scruggs and others PDF image of file number 4270
Chalmers Orders for arrest 1863 Memphis 6731 PDF image of file number 6731
Chamberlain E. H. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3498 PDF image of file number 3498
Chamberlain E. H. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3500 PDF image of file number 3500
Chamberlain E. H. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Chamberlain E. H. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3503 PDF image of file number 3503
Chamberlain (Mrs.) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4945 PDF image of file number 4945
Chamberlin C. F. Report of receipts and expenditures 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6385 C. F. Chamberlin & Co. PDF image of file number 6385
Chamberlin Jno. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Chambers William Prisoner 1862 Trenton 2438 PDF image of file number 2438
Chambers William Cases tried by the Military Commission 1862 Trenton 3030 of Hickman Co, KY PDF image of file number 3030
Chambers Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 Chambers & Spelling PDF image of file number 3502
Chambers W. P. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3774 PDF image of file number 3774
Chambers (Dr.) Smuggling and other offenses 1863 Nashville 4275 Evidence in the case of Dr. J. R. Hudson PDF image of file number 4275
Chambers James Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chambers S. (Mrs.) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Chambers Thos. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6384 PDF image of file number 6384
Chambley D. A. Petition for Release 1862 Obion Troy 1730 PDF image of file number 1730
Chamblin Jno. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 PDF image of file number 8022
Champ I. C. (Mr.) Baggage Report 1864 Knoxville 8264 PDF image of file number 8264
Champ I. W. Whiskey Trade 1864 Chapel Hill 9481 PDF image of file number 9481
Chancey[?] Geo. W. Prisoners of War 1862 Fort Donelson 832 placed onboard Steamer Westmoreland PDF image of file number 832
Chandler W. N. Prisoners to be Released 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Chandler W. N. List of Prisoners 1862 Fort Henry 2218 PDF image of file number 2218
Chandler Spencer Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Chandler W. R. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Chaney W. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Chaney W. A. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Chaney M. W. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Chapin S. R. Claim for money owed 1863 Memphis 6973 PDF image of file number 6973
Chaplan Frank Order to Confine 1863 Buck Lodge 7562 PDF image of file number 7562
Chapman George J. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chapman William H. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chapman Permission for shipment 1864 Nashville 7597 PDF image of file number 7597
Chapman P. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8021 PDF image of file number 8021
Chapman Jno. P. Weekly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8654 PDF image of file number 8654
Chapman Jno. P. List of citizens prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8657 PDF image of file number 8657
Chapman John P. Citizen Prisoners 1864 Giles Pulaski 9202 PDF image of file number 9202
Chapman John P. Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9387 PDF image of file number 9387
Chapman John P. Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9388 PDF image of file number 9388
Chapman John P. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Chapsky Louis Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Charlton A. J. Prisoners 1862 Gallatin 3187 PDF image of file number 3187
Charlton Jas. W. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Chase & Brother Invoice 1862 Trenton 2997 PDF image of file number 2997
Chattin E. A. Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 Meigs County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Cheatham W. A. (Dr.) Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Cheatham William S. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Cheatham Artcher Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Cheatham Archer Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Cheatham W. A. (Dr.) By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 (& wife) To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Cheatham Felix Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Cheatham Archer Prisoners that have taken oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 5497 PDF image of file number 5497
Cheatham R. B. Request for funds to pay police department 1863 Nashville 5734 PDF image of file number 5734
Cheatham Joseph Letter attesting to Union loyalty of family m 1863 Nashville 5756 police officer PDF image of file number 5756
Cheatham R. B. Petition to limit sale of whiskey to soldiers 1864 Nashville 7598 PDF image of file number 7598
Cheatham Archer Petition to limit sale of whiskey to soldiers 1864 Nashville 7598 PDF image of file number 7598
Cheathem R. B. Request to release prisoners 1862 Robertson Springfield 849 Mayor of Nashville PDF image of file number 849
Cheek Luther B. Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 PDF image of file number 4286
Cheek L. B. Roll of prisoners captured 1863 Carthage 6154 PDF image of file number 6154
Cheeney C. J. Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Cheeney C. J. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Cheery Matilda (Miss) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4894 PDF image of file number 4894
Cheery Hennie (Miss) By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4894 PDF image of file number 4894
Cheery M. By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4894 & sister PDF image of file number 4894
Cheery C. J. Prisoners that have taken oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 5497 PDF image of file number 5497
Chemmus Alfred Citizens in Memphis military prison 1863 Memphis 5970 (col) PDF image of file number 5970
Cherry W. H. Loyal Union Men Arrested 1862 Savannah 1122 PDF image of file number 1122
Cherry Henry G. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cherry Lydia Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cherry Nehemiah Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cherry Wade H. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cherry William N. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cherry Jackson Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Cherry A. G. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Cherry Y. W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Cherry G. W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Cherry William H. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Stewart 3192 PDF image of file number 3192
Cherry Bradley Citizen kidnapped 1863 Stewart 4222 PDF image of file number 4222
Cherry C. J. Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Cherry W. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Donelson 4430 PDF image of file number 4430
Cherry J. M. Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Chesnut Uriah Employees in Quarter Master Department 1864 Fort Pickering 9417 PDF image of file number 9417
Chester Robert Assessment of Property 1863 Jackson 4487 Assessment of secessionists to pay for support of Union refugees PDF image of file number 4487
Chester Robert Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chester Robert H. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chester John Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chidword M. B. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Child, Pratt & Fox Invoice 1862 Trenton 2997 PDF image of file number 2997
Childers E. H. (Jr.) Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Childers William Semi-monthly report of confiscated property 1863 Memphis 6379 PDF image of file number 6379
Childers James Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Childers J. W. Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 Gilmer County, GA PDF image of file number 9269
Childres E. H. Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Childress C. J. R. Prisoners Certification of Allegiance 1863 Gallatin 6424 PDF image of file number 6424
Childress (Miss) Charges of smuggling 1863 Memphis 6831 PDF image of file number 6831
Childress John W. Permission to Ship Permits 1864 Chattanooga 8436 PDF image of file number 8436
Childs W. E. Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Childs Robert E. Contrabands 1863 Gallatin 4642 PDF image of file number 4642
Childs Wm. M. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Hewing wood PDF image of file number 8912
Chipman Wash Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chipman C. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8003 PDF image of file number 8003
Chisum William Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Chitwood S. A. List of Bonds 1863 Trenton 4076 Dyer Co PDF image of file number 4076
Choate W. E. Petition for release of convicted murderer 1863 Memphis 5701 PDF image of file number 5701
Choate Report of receipts and expenditures 1863 Tennessee Memphis 6385 Choate & Co. PDF image of file number 6385
Choate Thos. R. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6985 PDF image of file number 6985
Choats Richard M Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Christian S. J. Protection Granted 1863 Coffee Manchester 5641 Grundy County PDF image of file number 5641
Chumley John Slaves from Estates 1862 Williamson 3195 PDF image of file number 3195
Chuny M. J. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 7756 PDF image of file number 7756
Church Nelson B. Prisoners to be transferred to Alton, IL 1863 Murfreesboro 5201 PDF image of file number 5201
Church Chas. B. Petition for discharge of prisoner 1863 Memphis 5720 PDF image of file number 5720
Churchill James Prisoners sent to Alton, IL 1862 Jackson 1566 PDF image of file number 1566
Churchill James Military Prisoners 1862 Jackson 1567 PDF image of file number 1567
Churchill Prisoners 1862 Jackson 1759 PDF image of file number 1759
Churchman James Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Claborne Annie (Mrs.) Requests to visit husband behind Confederate 1863 Nashville 5289 PDF image of file number 5289
Claborne Thomas Requests to visit husband behind Confederate 1863 Nashville 5289 PDF image of file number 5289
Claggett W. H. Protection Request 1864 Nashville 8403 PDF image of file number 8403
Claghorn James. S. Petition for return of property 1863 Memphis 6646 PDF image of file number 6646
Claiborn James By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4970 PDF image of file number 4970
Clanahan John M. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Clancy Mike Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Clancy[?] T. J. Citizens in Memphis military prison 1863 Memphis 5970 PDF image of file number 5970
Clanton Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 James Hicks' guardian PDF image of file number 4672
Clapp Frank Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 storekeeper PDF image of file number 8912
Clardy Joseph D. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Clarin John M. Citizens hostile to (Union) government 1863 Smith Carthage 4286 Residence: Carthage PDF image of file number 4286
Clark M. H. Freight 1862 Davidson Nashville 1071 PDF image of file number 1071
Clark (Mrs.) Travel 1862 1809 PDF image of file number 1809
Clark W. H. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Clark P. S. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Clark M. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Clark H. M. Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Clark J. F. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Clark Andrew Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Clark Henry W. Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Clark William Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Clark Mattis[?] Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Clark Mattie Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Clark R. H. Complaints against rebel guerillas 1864 Nashville 7600 PDF image of file number 7600
Clark Chas. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 "alias" Jack PDF image of file number 8004
Clark Chas. Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 alias Jack, spy PDF image of file number 8022
Clark T. J. Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Clark S. P. C. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Clarke E. E. (Mr.) Claim property was taken in Union raid 1863 Memphis 5352 PDF image of file number 5352
Clarke Geo. P. Petition for preachers' exemption from Gen. O 1863 Memphis 6713 PDF image of file number 6713
Clay S. A. (Mrs.) Abstract of Purchases 1862 LaGrange 3197 PDF image of file number 3197
Clay Henry Contraband 1863 Gallatin 3816 PDF image of file number 3816
Clay Franz Contraband 1863 Gallatin 3816 PDF image of file number 3816
Clay David Contraband 1863 Gallatin 3816 PDF image of file number 3816
Clay Margaret Runaway Negro from Union Officer 1864 Knoxville 8499 PDF image of file number 8499
Clay Henry Runaway Negro from Union Officer 1864 Knoxville 8499 Free Colored Man PDF image of file number 8499
Clayborn Celisla (Mrs.) Take Oath and go South 1863 Nashville 4837 PDF image of file number 4837
Clayborne Thomas Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Clayborne Disloyal Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity 1863 Haywood 4491 Rebels assessed to repay Abram C. Anderson PDF image of file number 4491
Claybrooks John S. Correspondence about estate settlements 1863 Memphis 5080 PDF image of file number 5080
Clayburn (Mrs.) Under Flag of Truce 1862 Nashville 3170 PDF image of file number 3170
Claycourt John Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Clayton (Mr.) Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3773 PDF image of file number 3773
Clayton John S. Petition for exemption from Gen. Ord. No. 65 1863 Memphis 5705 PDF image of file number 5705
Clayton Sophia C. Petition for exemption from Gen. Ord. No. 65 1863 Memphis 5705 PDF image of file number 5705
Clayton Robt. G. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8752 Monroe County PDF image of file number 8752
Clayton Robt. G. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8754 Monroe County PDF image of file number 8754
Clayton John Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Jackson, Alabama PDF image of file number 8764
Clayton John Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 Polk, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Clayton Elias Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 Gilmer County, GA PDF image of file number 9269
Cleaveland Joseph Guerrillas Lynchburg 4214 PDF image of file number 4214
Clem Wm. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Clemens George Forrest's Cavalry 1863 Humboldt 3559 PDF image of file number 3559
Clemens Curtis Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Clemens Mary A. Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Clemens Mary E. Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Clemens David J. Union Refugees 1863 4485 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4485
Clemmens Jem. Reports of Conduct 1864 Nashville 8750 PDF image of file number 8750
Clemmens (Gen.) Reports of Conduct 1864 Nashville 8750 PDF image of file number 8750
Clemons J. L. By Gen. Ord. No. 34, persons put outside line 1863 Nashville 4948 PDF image of file number 4948
Cleveland (Mr.) Drug Smuggling 1862 Memphis 2335 PDF image of file number 2335
Cleveland J. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3497 PDF image of file number 3497
Cleveland David[?] Citizens petition for protection from Union a 1863 Grundy Pelham 6378 PDF image of file number 6378
Cleveland J. F. Home Guard Organization 1864 Bradley 8932 PDF image of file number 8932
Cliffe (Dr.) Smuggling and other offenses 1863 Nashville 4275 Evidence in the case of Dr. J. R. Hudson PDF image of file number 4275
Cliffe John B. Petition 1864 Williamson Franklin 9331 PDF image of file number 9331
Cliffe Daniel B. Petition 1864 Williamson Franklin 9331 PDF image of file number 9331
Clifford James Assessments 1863 Bethel 4067 PDF image of file number 4067
Clifford James Assessment of Rebel Sympathizers 1863 Henderson Bethel 5081 Petition regarding cotton assessment proceeds PDF image of file number 5081
Clifford James Assessments for Damages 1863 Jackson 5124 Henderson Co, TN PDF image of file number 5124
Clifford George Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Cliffs Daniel B. Slaves from Estates 1862 Williamson 3195 PDF image of file number 3195
Cliffton (Miss) Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent South via Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4272
Cliffton (Miss) List of Military Prisoners 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Clift M. P. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Clifton (Miss) By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent South of Vicksburg PDF image of file number 4789
Clifton Elizabeth (Miss Persons sent outside of lines 1863 Nashville 4838 PDF image of file number 4838
Cline James K. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8752 Blount County PDF image of file number 8752
Cline James K. Amnesty Oaths 1864 8754 Blount County PDF image of file number 8754
Clined[?] Alfred Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 & wife PDF image of file number 4472
Clinton R. Preparing for crop 1863 3991 1/2
Clivenger A. C. Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 Meigs County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Clonese F. M. Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennessee PDF image of file number 8764
Close D. L.[?] Petition for discharge of prisoner 1863 Memphis 5720 PDF image of file number 5720
Clowers Mary List of Union refugees Jackson 4679 from Alabama PDF image of file number 4679
Cloyd George Statements re: smuggling of J. H. Whiteman 1863 Nashville 4273 PDF image of file number 4273
Cloyd Thomas Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Clund Alfred Contraband 1863 Memphis 4316 Contrabands Landed at Island No. 10 PDF image of file number 4316
Coaley Wm. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Carpenter PDF image of file number 8912
Coalmere John Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 PDF image of file number 3091
Coates[?] (Mr.) Permit to sell ale & beer to citizens only 1863 Gallatin 6153 PDF image of file number 6153
Coats Meredith Prisoners sent to Alton Military Prison 1862 Jackson 1845 PDF image of file number 1845
Coats John Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4676 PDF image of file number 4676
Cobb Alex M. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cobb Warren D. Oath of Allegiance 1863 Stewart 3091 of Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3091
Cobb Solomon Guerrillas, Murder, Horse-stealing 1863 Nashville 4270 Evidence in the cases of Felix Young, William Scruggs and others PDF image of file number 4270
Cobb J. W. Guerrillas, Murder, Horse-stealing 1863 Nashville 4270 Evidence in the cases of Felix Young, William Scruggs and others PDF image of file number 4270
Cobb Billy Contrabands landed 1863 Island 10 4472 PDF image of file number 4472
Cobb S. C. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cobb H. Wesley Chapel Pastor 1864 Memphis 8500 PDF image of file number 8500
Coble Wm. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Cobler (Mrs.) Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5210 PDF image of file number 5210
Cochcran Wm. J. Payment for services rendered 1863 Nashville 5528 PDF image of file number 5528
Cochran Frances (Mrs.) Confiscated gold 1863 Memphis 4469 of Marshall Co., Mississippi PDF image of file number 4469
Cochran William J. Payment on Account 1864 Nashville 8460 PDF image of file number 8460
Cochran Moses Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 Hewing wood PDF image of file number 8912
Cock Thomas A. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cockran M. E. Wesley Chapel Pastor 1864 Memphis 8500 PDF image of file number 8500
Cockrill David Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Cockrill (Mrs.) Aiding Union Soldiers to Desert 1863 4418 PDF image of file number 4418
Coffee Wm. Semi-monthly Report of Citizen Prisoners 1863 Memphis 5381 PDF image of file number 5381
Coffee Ervine Weekly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8656 PDF image of file number 8656
Coffee Felix Weekly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8656 PDF image of file number 8656
Coffee Ervine List of citizens prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8657 PDF image of file number 8657
Coffee Felix List of citizens prisoners 1864 Pulaski 8657 PDF image of file number 8657
Coffee E. Citizen Prisoners 1864 Giles Pulaski 9202 PDF image of file number 9202
Coffee Felix Citizen Prisoners 1864 Giles Pulaski 9202 PDF image of file number 9202
Coffee Ervin Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9387 PDF image of file number 9387
Coffee Felix Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9387 PDF image of file number 9387
Coffee Ervin Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9388 PDF image of file number 9388
Coffee Felix Citizens in confinement in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9388 PDF image of file number 9388
Coffee Ervin Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Coffee Felix Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Pulaski 9389 PDF image of file number 9389
Coffer Danl. Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Coffey Benjamin Witness 1862 Tullahoma 3215 PDF image of file number 3215
Coffman Samuel List of free blacks employed by army unit 1863 Pelham 6055 PDF image of file number 6055
Coffmann J. P. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Coggswoll J. T. (Mrs.) Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1864 Memphis 8004 PDF image of file number 8004
Coggwill J. (Miss) Citizens in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 8022 PDF image of file number 8022
Cogshell Susan Contrabands received 1863 Island 10 4624 PDF image of file number 4624
Cohen John M. G Permission to Carry Arms 1864 Memphis 8289 PDF image of file number 8289
Cohn J. C. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Coin Thos. A. Report of Persons Employed 1864 Knoxville 8912 wagonmaster PDF image of file number 8912
Coin John Rail Road Employees 1864 Memphis 9592 PDF image of file number 9592
Coit William A. Request refund of money taken by guerilla cap 1863 Memphis 6388 PDF image of file number 6388
Cole Wiley C. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Cole J. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Cole David Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Cole P. H. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cole A. T. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cole W. G. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cole Reuben Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cole J. D. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Cole J. D. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 & Brothers PDF image of file number 4672
Cole C. J. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Cole J. C. Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Cole Harriell Contrabands - Report of Persons Hired 1863 Pocahantas 5604 PDF image of file number 5604
Cole Cleander Contrabands - Report of Persons Hired 1863 Pocahantas 5604 PDF image of file number 5604
Cole Abram Court rulings on murder charges 1863 Gallatin 6524 PDF image of file number 6524
Cole J. H. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6875 PDF image of file number 6875
Cole J. J. Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6877 PDF image of file number 6877
Cole Criminals 1863 Memphis 6908 PDF image of file number 6908
Cole Abram Review of court proceedings and death sentenc 1863 Memphis 7181 PDF image of file number 7181
Cole Susan Non Combatants Oath 1864 8764 White, Tennesse PDF image of file number 8764
Cole Joshua Oath of Amnesty 1864 Fort Donelson 8819 PDF image of file number 8819
Cole Lafayette Amnesty Oaths Administered 1864 Bradley Charleston 9269 McMinn County, TN PDF image of file number 9269
Cole A. E. Confined in Military Prison 1864 Memphis 9324 PDF image of file number 9324
Coleman A. F. Oaths of Allegiance 1862 1087 PDF image of file number 1087
Coleman James Arrested 1862 Bolivar 2715 PDF image of file number 2715
Coleman A. B. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Coleman L. G. Manifest of Steamer Lloyd 1863 3502 PDF image of file number 3502
Coleman Benjamin Loyal men in Brownsville 1863 Haywood 4073 PDF image of file number 4073
Coleman James Horses Seized 1863 Murfreesboro 4261 Names of persons whose horses were seized for Govt. PDF image of file number 4261
Coleman T. C. Cases of Citizens Sent From Nashville 1863 Nashville 4272 To be sent North of the Ohio River PDF image of file number 4272
Coleman Wm. Request for safe cotton storage 1863 Nashville 4757 requested by citizens of Stewart's Creek vicinity PDF image of file number 4757
Coleman T. C. By Gen. Ord. No. 74, persons to be transferre 1863 Nashville 4789 To be sent North of the Ohio River PDF image of file number 4789
Coleman Bethe Blair Request for exemption from Gen. Ord. ___ 1863 Memphis 5204 PDF image of file number 5204
Coleman T. C. Prisoners that have taken oath of allegiance 1863 Nashville 5497 PDF image of file number 5497
Coleman D. B.[?] Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 6904 PDF image of file number 6904
Coleman Petition 1864 Memphis 9590 attorney PDF image of file number 9590
Colemans T. C. Persons to be sent South 1863 Jackson 4348 PDF image of file number 4348
Coleson Sanders Oath of Allegiance 1862 Fort Henry 3044 Trigg Co, KY PDF image of file number 3044
Colher William R. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1868 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Colier (Miss) Permits to buy goods 1863 Jackson 4675 PDF image of file number 4675
Colile W. P. Rebel sympathizers to be taxed 1863 Jackson 4672 PDF image of file number 4672
Collens Marcus M. Oath of Allegiance 1862 Montgomery Lexington 2934 PDF image of file number 2934
Collet P. Property Seized 1863 Nashville 3919 PDF image of file number 3919
Collie Daniel To report to District Union Provost Marshal 1862 Jackson 1757 PDF image of file number 1757
Collie Daniel Military Prisoners 1862 Jackson 2320 PDF image of file number 2320
Collier Dill Semi-monthly report of citizen prisoners 1863 Memphis 5855 PDF image of file number 5855
Collier Theodore L. Introduction 1864 Nashville 8438 PDF image of file number 8438