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TN State Seal
Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
Division of Publications
Board and Commission Vacancies
Board Details
Board Name: Advisory Council on Teacher Education and Certification
Board ID: 4
Address: 710 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243-1050
Phone: 615-741-2966
Board Contact: Mary Jo Howland
Contact Phone: 615-532-3528
Appointing Authority: Board of Education
TCA: 49-5-110
Duties: Study teacher education and certification; Make recommendations to the State Board of Education.
Number of Members:
Compensation: Reimbursed for expenses.
Appropriations: Yearly budget of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00).
Meeting Schedule: Three (3) times per year for six (6) to eight (8) hours each meeting. Ad hoc subcommittees meet as needed, about ten (10) times per year for six (6) to eight (8) hours each meeting.
Hours Required: